counting calories?: Hi, can anyone help... - Talk ED (eating d...

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counting calories?

3 Replies

Hi, can anyone help? Calories take up all of my thoughts and energy. So then I dont think about them, and I see on the NHS website that we should count them? That it's smart, healthy? So then I do and I'm shouted at by my family and feel obsessive.

Is it healthier to count your calories or just guess?

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3 Replies


Like everything in life, counting calories is good in MODERATION! However when it becomes an obsession it is hen a problem and nor healthy. It also depends on what we do with the information - it should be there just as a guideline and not a master to which we are slaves.

If it is an obsession with you, then you would probably benefit from seeing a dietician.

Dan194 profile image

Hi, I think if calorie counting is becoming an obsession, I think the negatives outweigh the benefit! Calories aren't even that accurate at how good for you food is, it's more about that the satfats and sugars (i think). I usually don't bother looking with things like fruit and veg, usually I just look at the colours red for high etc (if they have them) and buy 'low fat' things. As long as you're eating in moderation, I don't think it's that important about the exact calories, so I'd personally just focus on healthy and not obsess about the calories, they're not worth it! hope this is useful and good luck :) x

You sound just like me, I count everything even the milk in my brews I have a calorie counting app on my phone and a target of calories that I am not allowed to go over!!!!!! And when I do I feel so very guilty I am over more than under, but when I am under the goal I feel great even though the app tells me I am not eating enough calories! Everyone is different I think if you can be sensible with it then you sull be fine xxxx

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