Welcome Blog!
Welcome to the Somerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association Health Unlocked
The idea behind this community is to provide a space where you can share your experience, support one another, and become better informed about eating disorders.
Feel free to start commenting, asking questions and answering questions & polls posted by SWEDA & the community. We will do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible.
Our blog is a space where you can express anything to do with how eating disorders are affecting your life. It can really help to share what's going on, and get other's feedback. Don't feel you have to write a lot, short comments are fine.
A Great Source of Information about eating disorders:
Many of you are probably aware of NHS Choices as a resource for information about
eating disorders, but if you aren’t you can find a basic overview here: nhs.uk/conditions/Eating-di...
You can also find some great information on our website here: swedauk.org/