After each episode takes about 3 days before she feels herself. Really worried this is more than syncope
My daughter is 16 diagnosed with posi... - Unexplained Faint...
My daughter is 16 diagnosed with positive tilt table test in July. Over the past month fainted 5 times no warning for upto 5 minutes

A tilt table is used to establish the cause of fainting and to help the doctor decide the best treatment. You do not say what diagnosis was given and whether your daughter was prescribed medication to help manage her condition. If there has been no follow up since the tilt table test then you should speak to your GP who will contact the consultant.
Have your daughter’s circumstances changed recently? Has she recently started at college? is she under undue stress at school? Has she started a new job? All these factors are stressful and could trigger a syncope attack. On the other hand it may be that she is forgetting to drink 2 litres of water a day and eat regular meals as dehydration and low blood sugar are known to trigger syncope. Our Reflex Syncope booklet is available by emailing or call Jenni 01789 450564 if you wish to discuss your concerns in more detail.
Hi just a quick update any advice is greatly appreciated. We have tried changing her diet, also tried flurdicortisone. She has had lots of neurological test all ok. We are now waiting to see a different cardiologist but she is fainting at least once a day also started vomiting after each episode and has chronic fatigue. She has a positive tilt table showing Vasovagal Vagal She has no life at the moment she can't even get to college any help or suggestions would be great
Hi there my daughter was 9 yes old when she first started t faint,they put it down to starting her periods early it was happening every week.then we had a 2 year gap and then she started again fainting then going into a seizure I was at my wits end they asked her off she was stressed or exams bothering her but it just got worse she has been in Scunthorpe and hull had lots of tests and every thing showing ok.she is still having the seizures but not as often and I feel she is getting her life back and I am letting her go more places now.iask her t drink more and eat reg as she does just hang on in there and try different diets
Well a year on and numerous tests and I'm pleased to say life has imoroved a lot. Daughter diagnosed with Vado Vaal with elements of POTS. She is now taking Midodrine and fainting episodes anywhere between 2 weeks and a couple of months. She has a daily battle with fatigue and muscle pains but can cope with this. Life is much better she has now returned to college and doing really well. If anybody else is going through this hang in there it will improve. Make sure you drink lots of fluids and keep your salt intake up
my brother keeps having these episodes but he is banging his head each and every time. hes had test done and everything is normal, they have ruled out epilepsy and that sudden adult death syndrome. he drinks plenty of fluids and his salt intake is high due to the doctors telling us to do that but he is 17 and cannot go out, been kicked out of college due to him not being able to finish his course and he is not able to drive. i worry about him all the time especially when i am at work, i support people with learning difficulties and mental health illnesses and i have never seen this before. my brother has been going through it now for a year. we have had to put a line life box in our house so when he does go down they can get the paramedics but there is only so many bangs your head can take.
i was wondering if there was anything else that helped you that we can maybe try to help him?
thanks xx