PLease help , has anyone had problem... - Scleroderma & Ray...
PLease help , has anyone had problems ordering items from RSA web site. Can;t be.lieve I'm the only one

Hi, I have just ordered silver gloves on the website and all went through ok.Hope this helps.
Thanks for that Zebbo. My experience wasn't quite as easy as using Amazon and I had a message flash up that ' I should not use this web page' .I'm afraid I'm not exactly up on computers so I did get a fright which prompted my question. Hopefully alls well.Thanks again keep warm.

We are sorry to hear that you have been having trouble ordering some items from us. Can you let us know what was wrong exactly and we will feed it back to the IT company who do our shop? Thank you and really sorry about this.
First off was told I had to register to get basket, couldn't register, told me I was already registered as you had my e-mail address, I only had to log in, tried that was told I had to register. This turned out to be a password problem. The only one I had was for Health Unlocked didn't think this was relevant but tried anyway. Eventually asked for new password at my daughter's suggestion, BINGO! When in shop very difficult to view products, had to type them into search, even individual christmas card packs, words which weren,t actually recognised, goodness knows how I eventually got them, more luck than good guidance. Then problems changing quantity,and checking out. When it came to paying the confirmation page wouldn't register. At the end up there was a flash up warning me that I would be advised not to use this web page which I found a bit off puting and stressful.
As I'm not totally au fait with computers all in I was not a happy bunny.Hope the above makes sense. Regards

Thanks for the feedback. We have moved over shops a couple of months ago, was this a recent thing? Sorry about this.