If you have scleroderma, do you have ... - Scleroderma & Ray...
If you have scleroderma, do you have any of the following?
Please select one:
More like all of the above.
Yes, I was a little surprised that I couldn't vote for more than one so went for the diagnosis.
all of the above
Yes, I was diagnosis with lung fibrosis but, also have problems with fatigue. I also suffer with Raynaud's.
I'm unable to click more that 1 option.
All of the above
I, also, was only a ble to click on one option
There was only one option that I could not click on,and that was lung fibrosis,i have not actually been told that I have that one,but I do have PAH,and I attend the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield for that,and I do suffer from all of the other options,thankyou for reading this.TIM.
i have all the above apart from lung fibrosis, i attend the Golden Jubilee Hospital Clydebank Scotland.
I also have 3 options. Told I have bibasal fibrosis?
I thought It may have been possible to select more than one option. I have the top 3. Clicked them all and submitted only then noticing that it only took the last entry. So the results displayed may not actually be a true reflection, if others like me have done similar.
I have 2 problems but could only click one or all of the above, I have fatique and breathlessness but no heart or lung involvement
I am so lucky, as I have a diagnosis of LCSSC, but couldn't say yes to anything so couldn't vote in this poll.
I have both fatigue and breathlessness. I think you should redo the survey to give accurate results.
I have fatigue and breathlessness as well. Both equally a problem.
I also think the survey is misleading. I too could only check one symptom, have several but not all.
I have problems with breathlessnes and fatigue, but it would only let me clik on one answer.
I have problems with fatigue and also breathlessness and I am about to visit the Royal Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield to see whether or not I suffer with Pulmonary Hypertension.
Still waiting to hear the results of my PFT and to have an ECG. I'm still out running so it's hard to imagine I have the lung or heart complications. My erratic gut can be the cause of many of my problems.
All the above and daily
I have fatigue and breathlessness.