☀ Opt for an SPF 30 or above to provide high - very high protection against the sun’s UVB (burning) rays.
☀ Make sure your sunscreen is broad-spectrum (provides protection against both UVB & UVA radiation). Look for the UVA symbol, this means that it provides UVA protection at least a third of the SPF. Use a star rated product with a 4 or 5 star UVA rating for superior protection.
☀ Make sure your sunscreen is in date! Sunscreen typically expires three years after it is manufactured. If an expiration date is not displayed, look for an open jar symbol which will contain a number (i.e. 12M) - that’s the number of months you can safely use the sunscreen after opening.
☀ Store your sunscreen in a cool, dry place! Sun protection products can expire sooner if they are left out in the sun or in a hot car because heat causes the ingredients to break down and lose efficacy.
☀ Apply your sunscreen to all exposed skin liberally and evenly! A common mistake is not applying enough! It should be applied generously to provide the required level of protection.
☀ Sunscreen should be applied 20 minutes before going outdoors and another layer applied once out. Think of it like painting a wall, you always need at least 2 coats to provide adequate and even coverage!
☀ Regardless of the instructions all sunscreens should be re-applied at least every 2 hours (more often if perspiring) and always straight after swimming!
☀ Don’t be mislead by claims that SPF in cosmetic products such as moisturiser or foundation will provide the same protection as a ‘proper’ sunscreen. They Don’t!
☀ Wear it daily, all-year-round! UVA stays more-or-less the same strength all day, every day of the year and can damage our skin even in the winter months.
☀ Protecting children? Use an SPF 50+ sunscreen with five star UV protection specifically formulated for children or babies as these are gentler on their sensitive skin. Always make sure they have access to sunscreen for reapplication during school hours when UV is strongest.