‼ If you could see the damage you’ve already done due to UV exposure, would it change your sun protection habits? Would you check your skin monthly for the early warning signs?
This image, taken with a special UV camera, show’s UV damage to the skin (on the left) that’s invisible to the naked eye.
Ever been: a tan seeker? sunbed user? outdoor worker? lived in a hot climate? had poor sun protection habits? had sun burn in childhood or adolescence?
There are lots of reasons that place us at higher risk of skin cancer - but considering that almost 90% of skin cancers are caused by over-exposure to UV - the fact is, for most, the damage is already done. Damage from UV is cumulative, irreversible and can lead to the development of skin cancer in later life.
‼ Check your skin for signs of change EVERY month and seek immediate professional assessment with anything lesion or mole that’s new, unusual or changing!
This is national #SkcinCancerAwarenessMonth