Earlier in the summer, HealthUnlocked launched the ‘Health Blogger Awards’ recognising the contribution, effect and real life impact that health and wellbeing bloggers have on millions of people across the world.
The awards seek to identify the blogs that people are reading, getting insight and expertise from, and turning to outside of HealthUnlocked.
Since then, 30 blogs were shortlisted from over 600 entries nominated to the awards, and a public vote to pick the winners now open. The entries include Joy2Endure, a Sickle Cell Warrior posting about her experiences and life joy2endure.com/
For more information on the awards and to see all the shortlisted blogger visit healthbloggerawards.com/ (Votes will close on 29 September).
It’s always great to hear your feedback on these blogs and if you find them useful in managing your own condition. Let us know what you think!