To all the ladies on Zejula. Just talked to my doctor at Mayo Clinic and she said a new report just came out on Zejula they are calling it the miracle drug for Ovarian Cancer. Getting great results with it.
Zejula: To all the ladies on Zejula... - SHARE Ovarian Can...

Hi, I have been on Zejula for over a year and a half. I have been doing great on it. Keeping CA125 down, 7 right now no further evidence of cancer as of Oct.
Many new drugs coming out too. Best of everything to all.
That is great news!
This is Great! I took for a year before I had to stop eight months ago do to low neutrophils. It has worked for me so far, low CA125 of 7 - 8 & pet scan clear. Hopefully I got a enough to keep the cancer away for a long time. Good luck to all of us in this fight against Cancer
That is great to know as I will be starting this soon. 👍
My doctor at Mayo put me on Lymparza. Is there much difference? I am BRCA1 +.
Is Zejula ever used with frontline or as maintenance? Or is it used only in the case of recurrence?
my Mayo doc prescribed it after my reacurrance when I was done with chemo for the second time. I feel good on 200 mg could not take 300 because of shortness of breath, and anemia.
Was in remission 18 months the first time now in remission for 17 months and I think Zejula will help keep cancer away.
Thank you for sharing. I have been on Zejula for a year. No side effects except insomnia. Very blessed. Happy Thanksgiving for all reading this. There is hope for all of us.
I had a reoccurrence more chemo. In remission so my doctor put me on Zejula .
Thanks for sharing. I’m on Zejula and worry if it is really making s difference.
Where can we read this research? I have been looking for it.
It did not work for me. At all
Do you know where we can read this study from the Mayo Clinic?
I will be on drug 1 year in Feb. No far so good