Anemia: Has anyone become anemic from... - SHARE Ovarian Can...

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Has anyone become anemic from chemo ? Thank you

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9 Replies
Nancy222 profile image

I wasn't anemic but the blood counts were on the low side. I was on carbo/taxol.

Neona profile image

Yes grade 3 anaemia and awaiting a blood transfusion.

It's been one year since chemo and 9 months since surgery. I have had problems with anemia. I couldn't take the iron pills because of constipation.. so the Dr gave me 4 iron Infusions over a few months and it helped hang in there

Cjbloomq profile image

I've had low blood counts,usually give me Procrit shots. It helps but a few times they wanted me to have blood transfusion . I did it once. I felt no different. Hope all is well.

caf132 profile image

Low red blood cells is a common problem with chemo. It is cumulative so the longer you are on chemo the lower the red cells will go. It may prevent you from having more chemo until levels go back up. I resisted a transfusion for weeks but after I had one to continue I felt so much better. The red blood cells carry the oxygen. If you drop too low you will tire easy and have trouble catching your breath.

Good luck. this will pass.

Hugs Carol

Thank you Carol

malka210 profile image

Yes, had blood transfusion once in 3 1/2 years of treatment. Never went that low again. I think you will feel strong after. Chemo is a bitch hang in

Their my friend were all here to support you. Hugs Millie

Thank you for your support

Margiedolly profile image

Yep! I ended up getting a few transfusions, but that's just me, as I have struggled with anemia throughout my lifetime of heavy periods. I sure felt better after the transfusions! Some people get iron shots, too. I find that eating red meat really improves my RBC score on my blood tests.

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