Inspirational : - SHARE Metastatic ...

wow!!just wow!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
I just stumbled on this cite after yrs on the advanced prostate cite. My friend just started chemo for #4 bc with brain and liver involvement . I’m showing her this and recommending it to her . Happy Easter everyone! Shalom ..
So interesting, thank you for sharing!
such a compelling story to listen to! 🌸 Thank you 🙏
Beautiful story 🥰
Wow! She is awesomely amazing!
Wow, beautiful and positive.
I needed this. Thank you.
Thank you for posting.I think it's very important for us to focus on a positive and aim for that as much as we can.
Very early in my diagnosis my oncologist told me of one of her patients that she had personally treated for more than 20yrs with mbc....she told me of how this lady now in her 80s was living an active life and had been through screen loads of various treatments as she scrolled down through her history on the computer monitor....more so she had been living and thriving at a time before the new meds were even released that we all take now... this gave me hope and has been my goal from the start.
Stay hopeful, believe in yourselves and try to stay positive.
Love zoe xx
thank you for sharing this video. it made the heart happy to watch it and hear her. it is my hope and intent to be here 25 years, post mBC diagnosis; still thrivin at 8 years.
thanks for posting this AutumnLove! her story truly is inspirational💫
Greetings: 😇I thank you so much for this video clip.. The GOD we serve is good, great, awe-mazing. I hope/pray you, and your loved are enjoying these High Holy days Amen.😇