How big are you
Size : How big are you - Sensitive Issues ...

7” x 5.5”
Longer than I need and not as thick as I'd like. Can't always get what you want.
6’ 3”
like a bull mouse...
This is actually quite fun. Mine came in 85% thicker and 5% shorter. Happy with that.
6” x 5” seems penis size is always a big concern, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think about it and consider myself small regularly

You are definitely not small. Stop worrying.
Thanks for your reply, I know I'm of average size, I think like most though I get that doubt time to time that I'm not. Some days you love what you have, some days you don't.

You are not alone

Thats normal and your actual above average lad
Thanks, sometimes just need to try to remember that

Always its a decent healthy fully balanced cock so enjoy if want a bit more bulk before sex or masterbation just buy a bathmate if used correct over 12mnths u will also gain perm results fact
Yip but u need to commit 15mins a day min 6days a week till happy size then 2x week 10mins
I thought I was small growing up and got teased about it
Yes even now being nude in front of someone for the first time I think they are saying he's got a small cock
All above yer dicks is perfect and any guys compared is ok long as they dont say im a grower and have a banter as other lads i know have more shower bulk but have to say ive had better remarks wae partners even before bathmate so chill and enjoy wht u got yer fab
Abt 7.5in erect...not sure flaccid
7 1/4" erect. Never measured my girth. I'm a "grower", so my limp pecker can shrivel down to about 3". I have not slept with that many women--perhaps about 15 in my lifetime (I'm 54), but almost all of my partners have expressed that I was the biggest they'd encountered. One gal who had confided in me that she had slept over 100 men, told me I was the 2nd biggest she'd ever experienced. Most guys are about 5-6".
I think it's awesome how everyone is open and not afraid to talk about things like this that carry such a stigma normally.
mine is 5 inches long erect
I am 6 inches erect and my erect girth is 5.6 inches.
Erect I'm roughly 6.5 inch long and about 6-6.5 in girth.
Soft I'm about 5.5 inches long and 4 7/8 in girth