Which of the following best describes the ev... - SarcoidosisUK
Which of the following best describes the events which led to your diagnosis of Sarcoidosis?
Please select one:
My doctors were totally flummoxed as to what was going on, even when I was rushed into hospital by my GP, the pulmonary consultant was adamant I had cancer and when the diagnosis eventuality (took a month stay in the hospital, being transferred to a bigger (Cancer ward) hospital for the 1st biopsy) came as Sarcoidosis, I looked blankly at tge consultant and asked whats that, I was told to GO HOME & GOOGLE IT!! Not even a leaflet available on the ward, don't think the consultant new enough to be able to talk to me and answer my questions about it. I had no idea what the future held for me, IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN!!
I was seen by dr. Told I had flu because of lost of weight and appitite went back told i was ok went to er xrays taken told I had pneumonia took antibiotics told pneumonia was not normal had cat scan and bronchoscopy diagnosis sarcoidosis
Ill all of my life. Never discovered. Got a severe 10 week cough and had a scan and then after biopsy diagnosed with Sarc.