Sorry everyone I meant Naproxin not Naloxone. I’m stupid from lack of sleep.
Naproxin: Sorry everyone I meant... - Restless Legs Syn...
I replied to your other post
Thank you Manerva. I made a mistake with the name of the medication, as I said , lack of sleep. At the moment I am taking four tabs( 50mgs) each of Tramadol but it has lost it’s efficacy and so now I have RLS day and night and I am exhausted.. Am at the end of my tether but I know I’m not the only one. I want to write to my G.P for some other opioid but have been waiting for the newest report of. Dr. Buchfuhrer in which I believe he supports Temgesic to show to the G.P to support my request.
I.hope you manage to get the temgesic.
Naproxen can be hard on your stomach.It comes as Vimovo ,which has a medication (ppi) to help prevent stomach ulcers.
It is a lot stronger than ibuprofen.
It will have no effect on the RLS.
Take 50 mg of top quality CBD oil. After augmentation nothing worked. On a lark I took CBD OIL. It hadWorked for me over a year.