Sheffield: HAs anyone had any dealings... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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Hoochybaby profile image
28 Replies

HAs anyone had any dealings with or treatment at the Royal Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield the adult Neurological department for sleep studies and restless leg syndrome a specialised clinic?

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Hoochybaby profile image
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28 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

I have restless legs, is this something you have too? I am hoping for some advice how to deal with the dreadful sensations in arms, legs, hands and feet.

in reply to RoadRunner44

I have had arm sensations also. It's aweful!! Suffered with itching all over my body. No sleep last night!! I feel for you as I have experienced it all (badly) it seems . Horizant has helped but I'm up and down with insomnia! Has your sleep been affected?

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

Hello, I do feel for you, and yes I have the itching as well. My doctor has prescribed an antibacterial lotion to use and also for washing with. It seems to help so Ill keep using it. Night time can prove very difficult with the sensations and itching. What is Horizont? Im trying to ecplore all treatments.

in reply to RoadRunner44

I finally had to see a specialist . A neurologist that deals with RLS. Parkinson's, and movement disorders. I had a thorough nuero exam and he asked a lot of questions. He prescribed the Horizant. Look it up on line. A lot of good feed back on this med. It is working very well for RLS however I am dealing with insomnia now. Been in touch with him but the suggestion s he's made without meds for that aren't working well. Melatonin does nothing for me and relaxation techniques are doing nothing. Tomorrow I will be in touch with him. I'll keep you posted.

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

Hello, and thank you Gramov8, Well, things look more positive for you at the moment. What works for one person isn't as good for another. Well that's how it appears to me. Lots of trial and error. However I am going to look up the Horizant as you suggest.

I have just had a phone call from my doctor who has been in touch with my new consultant. My doctor explained the neuropathic pain or restless legs I was having and whether I should stop using the nebulized colomycin. (I nebulize it twice a day for my bronchiectasis). The consultant said that it could well be the colomycin has caused the neuropathic pain and I should stop using it and she will see me in January.. Do you mind me asking how long you have suffered with restless legs?

Anyway, I will do as the doctor says and stop using the colomycin. Maybe I'll be able to have a night's sleep then. Thanks for the information. Best wishes. Chrys

in reply to RoadRunner44

Hi RR 44

You are right not one rx works for everyone as I have found through trial and error. Horizant right now is working well....for how long????? I suffered with restless legs on and off... intermittently...for about 5 years. Summer of 2019 it hit me in a frenzy. My PCP started me on ropineral which was very helpful for about 3 months then I rebounded with an increase of this medication. That's when it get changed to pramipexol Generic for Maripex. Being on that for 8 days nearly killed me. Body aches , aches all over my body just like someone beat me with a baseball bat!!! I was then on neuronton, after 2 days suffered tremors, dizziness, !oss of memory. Insomnia set in and the list goes on. After a month of this I saw my neurologist who specializes in RLS. it took 6 weeks for me to get an appointment . Now the RLS has subsided (praise to God and Dr.) dealing with the insomnia this caused is another thing. I guess it is mainly an anxiety thing now supposedly causing it. I believe this has been caused from RLS and trying to get it under control. Haven't been able to work as I don't fall asleep till 5 am or after. I went four days/nights without sleep at one time. Brought myself to ER where doctor practically laughed at me and I left there crying. Sleep deprivation evedently is not a reason to go to the ER .

I'm just going day to day right now trying to get my sleep pattern under control! Warm soaking tub baths with Epsom salts and a little lavender oil! Trying to establish a sleeping pattern. Lots of self work mentally.

Well I think I over answered your question but hopefully you'll find relief soon. Good luck in the New year...2020!!

Shumbah profile image
Shumbah in reply to

I had itching for 2 hours every night until I started Buprenorphine. I put the itching down to not sleeping imparting the nerve endings

Professor John Winkleman said when I date him in October that RSL , Tourette’s and itching were all the same in that you had no control over the urge .

So I think the itching is part of the disease for me . Now my disease is treated successfully I no longer itch . Thank god


in reply to Shumbah

Itching is part of the symptoms for RLS. I don't think a soap or lotion would help as the symptoms are neurological. I will research the buprenorphine.

in reply to RoadRunner44

You would do better to make your own post, you will get a better response for help.

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

Thanks, I'm New on this forum. I thought I had made a post.

in reply to RoadRunner44

Yes you did, but you've also replied to Hoochybaby and not actually addressed what Hoochbaby asked, i.e. about a clinic in Sheffield.

Elisse may not have noticed your own post and was just offering some advice on how to use this forum more effectively.

People in this forum have RLS or think they have, as that's what the forum is about,

Since you've joined this forum, most people will assume that you have RLS too.

No criticism intended, I hope you get lots of replies to your own post that will help you.

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

Oh dear, Ive made a poor start havent I. Im so sorry if Ive made a mess of posting. Yes, I do have restless legs and hope to have some support from others here. Thanks for drawing attention to this I hope I don't do things wrongly again.

in reply to RoadRunner44

It's not a matter of doing anything wrong, as you're new, it's simply a matter of learning the best way to get the help you need.

You will notice that some regular members also engage in a little chat and banter now and again, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.

in reply to RoadRunner44

Another little tip is that when someone responds to your own post, you should get an email notification that they have, unless that is, you have notifications switched off.

To encourage people to respond more, it's a good idea, when they do, to reply to their comments.

If you do have notifications switched off, then it's a good idea to switch them on, otherwise you won't know anyone has answered.

in reply to RoadRunner44

Sorry RoadRunner, you did nothing wrong at all. it was just as Manerva said, no i didnt see you own post. :) You havent made a mess at all. I hope you get plenty of replies to your own post. :)

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to

Thank you for your response, I'm trying to find my way round this new forum and saw your post. I'll have to be more careful in future. I appreciate you reassuring me though.

in reply to RoadRunner44

You will get used to it and you are doing fine. :)

in reply to RoadRunner44

Hi RR 44 I'm not sure I've done this post correctly either. Just keep going!!!

nightdancer profile image
nightdancer in reply to RoadRunner44

What Elisse means is, start a different post with the different subject about meds, or whatever. When a different conversation starts, other than the intended subject, then it is better to start a new post. Most people are not going to jump on a thread that is titled Sheffield unless they have lived there or been there.

RoadRunner44 profile image
RoadRunner44 in reply to nightdancer

It's beginning to make sense I think. Thanks for replying and your advice. Chrys

Pippins2 profile image

Hi I have been to the Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield, I saw a Neurologist at a Movement Disorder Clinic. Iam not sure if that is the same clinic you mean as it wasn't a clinic for Restless legs in particular. I am sorry I can't remember the name of the Neurologist I saw but I would recognise the name if I saw it. Unfortunately he was useless and wanted to up my dosage of a Dopamine agonists when I was suffering from augmentation ,which is the last thing you should do in that situation. His attitude was poor and abrupt and I requested a different doctor at my next appointment. He was his "understudy " and knew a bit more about RLS and was very easy to talk to and interested in what I had to say. However a couple of months later he moved down South and so I never went again. One thing he did do for me though was write to my GP telling him I have a very good understanding of RLS and requesting my GP to allow me to direct my own treatment including sleeping pills and Clonazepam to take when needed. Sorry I don't have any recommendations for you. Should you want to private message me the name of the doctor you are going to see I will let you know if it is the same one I have saw, I think his name began with a G . Good luck

Pipps x

Hoochybaby profile image
Hoochybaby in reply to Pippins2

Many thanks for your message. I was so looking forward to go to Sheffield because on the info on the internet it looks as though they have a specialist dept for rls because my gp surgery have limited knowledge and as does my neurologist at Wakefield hospital. I have had augmentation trying to come off Pramipexole after a neurologist put me in a high dosage which worked for a while but now doesn't work now and trying to cut down in this agonist is difficult. I haven't had the appointment made for Sheffield yet it's still in the pipeline I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to Hoochybaby

Hi having done a bit of Googling it seems it was not the Adult Neurological Sleep Clinic that I went to it was simply Neurology so you may have more luck. Please would you let me know how you go on for future reference thankyou x

Hoochybaby profile image
Hoochybaby in reply to Pippins2

Hi yes I will keep you in mind but will be some time I haven’t had the referral letter yet

Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to Hoochybaby

Thankyou and good luck

Hoochybaby profile image
Hoochybaby in reply to Pippins2

Hi Pippins2 I have received my appointment go neurology outpatient clinic for April and the neurologist is a prof. A. Majid I wondered if this is the one that you saw?


Pippins2 profile image
Pippins2 in reply to Hoochybaby

No it wasnt him.Mine had a long name i think beginning with a G.

Will you let me know how you go on please ? Good luck ! X

Sara_2611 profile image

No I live in Middleton so. Sheffield isnt an area whose hospitals. I would use

Just wondering - but why?