What is the address of the site with the medication list on it. I can't find it.
Medication list: What is the address of... - Restless Legs Syn...
Medication list

click on the box on left of screen.

Thanks staffs you are a life saver. Have had 3 Amoxicillin and arms and lags have gone wild on top of bein g unwell anywAy thought I would go mad. Need alternatives for Dr. Who luckily is ok with that and does listen to me and admits not knowing much and being willing to learn. She is a real treasure.

rls-uk .org
Or even rlshelp.org as Raffs/staffs was trying for!😈😂
Oh thanks that would explain why I couldn't get it to work was sure it was me trying to do it on kindle causing problem. Thank you again.
I thought I had edited that but obviously hadn't. Thanks for that Madlegs1 and sorry for wasting your time cathief51.
Madlegs i used my phone and it has highlighted the website. Maybe different phones will not do it.