Where in the UK are you located? - Restless Legs Syn...
Where in the UK are you located?
Please excuse the somewhat crude regionalisation in the options offered. If you are happy to, please can you indicate the county in which you live by writing in the 'comment' box. This may assist us in the future in organising regional events etc. Thank you.
New Barn Kent
Wells, Somerset.
Gower South Wales
Shaftesbury, North Dorset
Bishops Waltham, near Southampton, Hampshire.
Essex near Southend on Sea
kings lynn norfolk
County Antrim, N.Ireland
Won't let me vote? Anyway, I'm in Co Durham, which of course is North England. Are you trying to find a correlation between RLS and location or is it just interest in where we are? I've lived in Co Durham for 11 years but was born in London. However, family is from Chesire/Lancashire, so I guess that puts me back in the north really.
Hi there
It is more for information so we can get an indication of where people are in the country. I am looking at the potential to organise an event for RLS-UK members, perhaps towards the end of this year, and it is useful to know where forum users (whom I acknowledge may not be RLS-UK members yet) are located. Please note I am only looking at the potential for an event so nothing is written in stone! We of course will be having our AGM in September, to which all RLS-UK members will be invited and for which we have already organised some speakers but I feel an additional event might be useful aside from the AGM. Nothing in stone remember!!!
I live in the South of England, but my father who i inherited RLS from was born and bred in East London...
I'm from West Yorkshire - (born and bred from my heriditory RLS family)! so that makes it easier

Cardiff, South Wales
North Wales
Medway, Kent
Newcastle upon tyne
Wisconsin USA
South of England
Waikato, New Zealand
North Wales
West Sussex, southern England x
Southampton, Hampshire
Powys, Wales.
essex but i'm originally from East London
Liverpool, Merseyside.
Hexham, Northumberland
Wow I feel so 'out of it'!!! In the Detroit Michigan USA area but am delighted to be in contact with you all!
newcastle upon tyne
West Yorkshire
I live in the Highlands of Scotland (Isle of Skye)
It is useful having the RLS forum, as I have just had it confirmed that I have RLS.
After many years of painful sleepless nights. Thank goodness for Praximole.
Ayrshire, Scotland
In New Zealand
I live in New Zealand
I live Pershore Worcestershire
I live in Aberdare rct
West Yorkshire
I live in the United States Oregon. But I love the UK. I like to go to Newmarket to tour the Jockey Club in September. The horses there are amazing.