still trying to give up smoking
not easy
still trying to give up smoking
not easy
Keep going Tholor! If you live or work in Hampshire why not contact Quit4Life for some free help? This can be face-to-face or via regular phone chats with an adviser who can arrange the supply of stop smoking products that will work for you, and give that extra encouragement that will make it so much easier to set a quit date and stick to it. If you don't live in Hampshire go to to find your nearest NHS stop smoking service. Good luck!
Dead right its not, enough to depress Mr Happy.
Keep at it though and even if you fail try again. I'm still a smoker but 73 and I don't suppose I'll stop now but you ought to. Just think how much more attractive you'll be once you've stopped.
You're never too old to quit. I know at the drop in session I used to attend there was an old guy there who thought he would never quit but gave it a go and with the support of the adviser he found it less of a struggle than he thought. I still seem him about town and he says it was the best thing he ever did and he has so much more energy now. What have got to lose by giving it a go. Why don't you give up for lent and see how you feel after that. Talk to your GP about where your local stop smoking service is.
Stay focused on why you want to quit Tholor. You can do it! I wanted - no needed!! - to quit so my children grew up with a healthy mum as my dad died far too young from lung cancer. I kept looking at them and hugging them every time I felt wobbly about cigs.
How about stoptober challenge ? As my friend told me 'it's only 28 days,you can do that' . So I'm going for it and hopefully will make it there and beyond
Never quit quitting as my stop smoking adviser always said to me . . . make an appointment to see your local stop smoking adviser. Have a look at for some top tips. You can do it.