Understanding Clinical Trials

1608 enrolled

Why would I take part in a clinical trial?

Myth: Being in a clinical trial does not help you

Myth: Being in a clinical trial does not help you

The medication you’re given in a clinical trial may or may not directly improve your medical condition. If you receive the investigational medication, it may not be effective in you and if you are receiving a placebo, you will not receive the investigational medication.

However, by participating you may have access to extra tests, lab work, and monitoring that you might not otherwise have had. You will also be receiving expert medical care for the condition being studied, since doctors conducting clinical trials are often specialists in the disease areas being studied.

You also may have the opportunity to receive a drug that would not otherwise be available to you and does improve your condition.

The risks and benefits will be explained to you before enrolment and it will ultimately be your decision whether you think the benefits outweigh the risks.

Aside from the direct benefit to you, trial volunteers play a key role in helping scientists find new treatments that will help people in the future live longer and have better lives.

Why volunteer?

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