Age-Related Macular Degeneration

160 enrolled

What do these hallucinations look like?




Charles Bonnet hallucinations can be simple unformed flashes of light, colours or shapes. However, many people see more elaborate forms such as geometrical grids and lattices.

Some people report seeing landscaped gardens or vistas, animals, people, processions of miniature costumed figures wearing hats, or even disembodied faces with staring eyes.

Of course, other conditions can cause hallucinations too. The following characteristics suggest that hallucinations are not the result of Charles Bonnet syndrome:

  • voices and visions

  • absence of patterns and simple phenomena

  • elaborate explanation

  • escalating responses to hallucinations

  • confusion/memory concerns

  • accompanying person is more aware of problem than patient.

Should I be worried?

The hallucinations are often seen in more vivid detail than real life. Some people enjoy their hallucinations and can often be amused by them. However, for some people they are an unwanted distraction. The visions can sometimes be frightening or disorientating, especially if they cause rooms or buildings to seem altered.

If you are concerned about your hallucinations, the Macular Society can help. You can speak to a professional counsellor over the telephone, or join our Charles Bonnet support group.

Call our Advice and Information line on 0300 3030 111 for more details or to be referred.

A counsellor will contact you within two weeks.

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