She likes my tumwell by the looks of things!
Had an attempted sweep. Cervix not forward enough for my midwife to do her magic. Her head is engaged but still needs to come down.
So how was the procedure? No great shakes really. Like a smear. Not uncomfortable at all. Breathed nice and deep, stayed relaxed.
The watery discharge I had has had no light shone on it really so it wasn't my waters at all and not strep B.
So unless my little darling does something miraculous I think she may be a while yet in coming. I have been told that if I'm worried at all about baby movements at this time to go and get it checked, she made sure I understood that at this point it's crucial any concerns I have, any doubts etc are checked, telling me I wouldn't be disturbing anyone, not to wait... just call.
What happens next... another appointment on Monday next week when I'll be 41 plus 3 days and an induction booked for 9am 1st May if she still hasn't decided to come out.
How am I feeling? FRUSTRATED! The longer she's in the more I seem to worry. I'm relatively patient but the endless hours of no work to do, nothing to really take my mind off of waiting, being so waddly and unable to walk is driving me bonkers. I'm getting antsy with the "shouldn't she be here yet?" comments, "she's late isn't she?" my mum seemingly worrying about me and calling "any news?" There is no-one more keen to see Squiggly than I am.. trust me!
I've been so very constipated too... despite increasing my fluids, fruit and veggies. I'm being prescribed lactulose which I'll pick up tomorrow. I'm looking forward to normal bowel movements resuming. I do go but it's quite the task and so uncomfy.
My fiance is snoring the whole house out so I'm irritable and grizzly. I want my Squiggly outside safe and well. Heard her magical heartbeat... oh it is the only thing that is keeping me going and her hoofings.
I've found that me playing video games gets her all excited. So if a cold drink or a fizzy pepsi doesn't get her wriggling I switch on the soul calibur for a few rounds and then she will encourage her mummy by wriggling for me.
I'm glad to know of an induction day and feel that that will be around the time I'll see her. If she comes before then I'd be surprised and frankly... I'd very much welcome such a surprise. Looks like I'll be winning the bet with my partner... he said she'll come on the 23rd Apr and I said 1st May... when's the induction? 1st May!
Hoping the other ladies who are at a similar time to me are either in labour or are somehow soothed with their pacing urges. Wishing luck to those about to birth and those progressing through their pregnancies.
So sad and so sorry for the stories I've read on here recently where the outcome hasn't been good. Heart going out to all those that need comfort.
My task for today... catch up on some snooze...