sorry for another question just wanted to know if heartburn is also a sign of pregnancy?
Pregnancy queary: sorry for another... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnancy queary
not really
Okay thanks was just a queary
its ok, I think to a lot of people, including me, asking questions on the forum are not an offense, even if they are little silly ones, we all have them
BTW heart-burns are normally more persistent during later stages of pregnancy as the baby pushes the mommy stomach and intestine upwards (they appear squeezed up in pregnancy-inside-pictures on internet) and that is what normally cause heart-burns in pregnancy. but a small embryo or a fetus is not capable of doing that until 27th or 28th week of pregnancy
Yeah just im trying to sum up everything i hope i am pregnant but thankyou for letting me know chick
I suffer from heartburn so bad, started around week eight for me, now I take gaviscon everyday
Is gaviscon a safe thing to take in pregnancy because i also get horrible heartburn at times but i usually just drink more cold water.
gaviscon is fine to take, get it from ur gp I used to have the biggest bottle by my bed and swig from it !!!
Yeah i have the chewy tablets and i keep drinking milk and having ice cream every hourbso itkeps it at bay and is bareabke x