Im 34+4 and my nesting instinct hasnt kicked in - ive just become really lazy. is this normal and will it kick in soon?
Nesting instinct not kicked in. - Pregnancy and Par...
Nesting instinct not kicked in.
The calm before the storm, ur resting to prepare urself for the nesting, making sure everything is ready and in place for that bubba, make the most of it i say, rest and lay ins will become a thing of the past, but its amazing how u do it, i found before i was due i couldn't sleep and took that as being prepared for broken sleep, us women are amazing,
My house looks like some kind of nuclear holocaust has occurred here! Hoping the nesting instinct kicks in soon... Or at least my other half is!!!
LOL! I remember when i was getting ready to deliver my son a few years ago & thinking & feeling exactly the same way. Trust me it will kick in maybe about 2wks before you go into labour. or most ideally when baby comes.
Good luck!
P.S Are you having a boy or girl
I am 36+1 and it still hasn't kicked in for me. Hoping it happens soon, just so things are all ready beforehand. I have crib, clothes, pram etc ready but i just want.everything perfect but i have no energy at the.moment. I am having a boy, due date 11-4 but will either be week (scan to see for his growth) or will be the 3rd April for a section due to 2 previous sections.
im currently 37+4 and i have days where i freak at the smallest amount of mess and then others where i hardly move but they are getting less and less so suspect im getting ready to have baby. it will kick in and you'll be amazed at how you just keep going even when you get so tired.
The nesting instinct that's triggered by hormones, i.e. the overwhelming urge to get down on your hands and knees and make your kitchen floor cleaner than it's ever been, doesn't tend to kick in until shortly before you go into labour (remember, you have the same hormonal make up as cavewoman, who didn't need to paint the nursery and put together flat-packed furniture, she just needed to wrap up her gathering activities and create a soft spot in the cave to give birth on), by which time you may not be in any condition to be accomplishing much around the house, and a lot of women never experience it at all. So, if there's something that needs doing to prepare you for the baby's arrival, it's probably a good idea to go ahead and attend to that. If you don't have the engergy, delegate the tasks to someone who does--that's the heavily pregnant womans's prerogative
Thank you for all the replies. Im having a girl due 22nd April so hope it kicks in soon. xx