Will I ever feel normal?? Really stru... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Will I ever feel normal?? Really struggling....

charliesangels1 profile image
19 Replies

Hello lovely ladies,

Your help and support please, I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and really struggling with severe nausea and extreme tiredness at the moment, I had 2 days off work and am back today, i'm finding it really difficult to get through the day, all I want to do is go home and sleep, I constantly am heaving and running to the toilet every half an hour!

Just wanted to know if you have any tips for me? I have tried most things they tell you, ginger biscuits, peppermint tea but nothing seems to be working,

I am just feeling a bit down at the moment with it all, it doesn't seem to be any fun and I don't feel like i'm gonna pass this stage, is this normal?

I just feel like crying constantly aswell, I also have no appetite although I do get very very hungry, as soon as I eat I feel sick..

Please help! Need to talk to someone :-(

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charliesangels1 profile image
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19 Replies
Allyemo1985 profile image

I hear you Hunni, with my both my pregnancies I had severe morning sickness to the point the doctor gave my some tablets that you put under your tongue that don't harm baby and ease nausea and stop. You being sick. It does pass, everyone is different, IMF you need to sleep, then sleep when you can. Pregnancy is a joy and you do start to glow as they say around 14 weeks only a few more weeks to bare with Hun keep you chin up you have a life growing inside you nourish it and eat when you can. You can always take multi vits if your finding it difficult with some foods. And frolic acid too. Talk to your GP about the tablets I got the from the uk doctor. Congratulations and good luck with your pregnancy x

Johannapipo profile image

Charliesangels reading you takes me back a few weeks into my life, I'm 18 weeks today and had the worst three months I could ever imagine... I had any kind of problem, all day sickness, back pain, migraine, heartburn, food poisoning, circulation; you name it and I have it, been off sick many times luckily my job is very flexible with pregnancy so they are very understanding. I know people keep telling you that it will get better, and Trust me it will is just a matter of time!,

I had times when I woke up feeling so down, unwell, not energy at all and on top of that I used to worry that it would damage my relationship with my fiancée and I used to feel like "I'm not enjoying this, I don't want this" and felt so guilty for feeling that way but now I know I'm not on my own, is many of us who feel that way, as there is many lucky ladies who dont get any symptoms at all. Just remember that we have a little tiny person growing inside us, everything in your body isn't yours anymore is for that little one to grow stronger everyday and a 12 weeks when you get to see it for first time swimming around (mine sucking his/her thumb), changing positions, makes everything worth it.

And then at 15 weeks I woke up full of energy feeling my old self again. starting to show makes such a difference, as it makes it real!!! today I'm still in anti sickness tablets, reducing doses and mild headaches and get woken up but kicks in my ribs but can tell you the bad times are in the past, I'm enjoying it and loving it.

Do not put too much pressure on you, you going trough a lot, if the sickness is really bad talk to your Gp, it does make a difference and believe me one day you will feel so good that even forget that are pregnant lol

Good luck and take very good care of yourself xx

Rachelhaley profile image

I feel for you, up until 2 days ago I was exactly the same. I have literally slept through the last 11 weeks. I was never this bad with my other 2 pregnancies and have been struggling so much. I am exhausted, being and feeling sick day and night, I was even waking up at 4am feeling really sick. I did find chocolate cereal with really cold milk helped first thing. I had to eat before I did anything else though. It's very hard when you are trying to function some what normally!! I'm nearly 12 weeks now and I feel my old self re emerging! Thank god!! I still feel a bit icky, but nothing like I was before and as long as I get a good nights sleep I seem to have some energy now. Hope you start to feel better soon, you are probably in the peak of it, hormones going crazy, which is good for your baby, but not fun for you! Take care and rest and eat what ever you can. Xx

n_z__s profile image

I feel your pain. I'm nearly 7 weeks with my second and feeling so sick all day every day although I wasn't actually sick until last night when everything came back up and I carried on feeling sick after :(. I'm so depressed. My little boy is only 17 months old and I feel so guilty that I'm basically leaving him to it while I wilt away feeling rubbish all day. When I was pregnant with my first I felt the same from about 7-13 weeks but this time it has started 2 weeks earlier and I'm dreading it being ongoing. I worked full time last time and I don't know how I did it. It will get better and that's what I have to keep tellin myself too but at the minute I feel like there's no end in sight. I dread getting up in the morning as that's when I feel worse I wish I could just hibernate until its over but I don't think my son would like that. Hang in there but if you really feel you can't work get signed off by your doctor and rest at home - if you have a sick note work can't say anything to you. Good luck - wishing these next few weeks pass quickly for both of us xx

cami_pod profile image

I feel exactly the same! I am 8 weeks pregnant as well and I am really struggling....You are not alone! I feel constantly sick and so tired. Just want to cry all the time...as well as all this I am trying to wean myself off anti-depressants! I am just taking each day as it comes! it is so hard but hopefully in about 4 weeks time we will both be grand :) my friend said when she was pregnant she lived off Tomato soup for the first 6 months so am going to try eating that...at least the thought of it doesnt make me feel sick which has to be a good sign - take care xx

Caz2484 profile image

I know how you feel, I've been feeling the same, but I have to say emotionally I felt the worst at about 7-8 weeks. Now I'm 12 weeks (scan on thursday!) And I've also seen the midwife, who I didn't get to see until 10.5 weeks! I still feel sick all the time and so tired. I have managed just about at work, but told my manager as I do spend a lot of time staring at the screen and not really getting anything done!

Nothing has worked for me except getting a lot of rest and cutting back on evening activities. I've still been quite down but it helps to know that it's normal to feel like that and that the sickness will go away...

Just try to hang in there and look after yourself. I want to smack my husband when he tells me that it'll all be worth it in the end, but it is true...

Caz x

rmh2012 profile image

Just hang in there!

At the moment, what you need to remember is how much harder you're working. Not only are you being hit with a super-sized dose of hormones, but you are creating a life. And at the moment, you're creating all the important bits - spine and critical organs, and creating the placenta at the same time.

And in the first trimester YOU are doing all the work. As you move into the second trimester, the placenta will take over some of the hard work, but right now - it's all down to you. Much of these symptoms settle when the placenta takes over.

So, if you are tired - there's good reason. And if you're down - it's ok to feel just how you feel. And if you're sick there's an end in sight.

Just remember that it's all part of the amazing miracle going on inside of you - you are in the process of creating a life!! Don't know about you, but it blows my mind, and got me through those tired days.

Best of luck to all of you!

R x

Catakorey615 profile image
Catakorey615 in reply to rmh2012

Are you a Dr? Even though I see all of this was written by all of you a few YEARS ago, it was still the very First option from google.com, once I entered my search! I have had 2 male pregnancies before this pregnancy and I am currently 9 Week's. . Your response was extremely informative, Thank You.. Even tho when u stated about what is literally growing inside of our bodies, I did begin to get a tad queezy... lol ..

Idk why I had 2 easy, not so sick at all basically pregnancies and then NOW here I am, able to entirely RELATE TO EVERYONE ABOVES FEELINGS, of course during that time 4 them , a few years back haha..

Thanks Again R x !!

charliesangels1 profile image

Just want to say thank you to everyone's comments, all your positive thoughts are defiantly helping! I didn't go in today and think I'm going to have the week off, really feel like my body needs rest, I went to the doctors this morning and he gave me anti nausea tablets, has anyone has experience with these before??

It is amazing when you really think about what your body is doing, I can't believe I'm actually growing a baby! I just want to see it and hear its heart beat, then I think I'll forget how bad I'm feeling and start getting excited!

Thanks again ladies, I truly appreciate every comment :-)

JoBuckley profile image

Hi...it may not seem like the nausea will ease up a the moment but it will get better! I was on anti nausea tablets between weeks 8-18 and had a lot of time off work because of sickness....but I finally have my appetite back & the tiredness has eased off now!

Just listen to your body - if you need to have time off then do, you are not just looking after yourself now! I was also very emotional, feeling sick all the time gets you down. I still have to eat little and often to keep the nausea at bay, but now I have an appetite and enjoying food, it makes eating much easier! :-)

It will get easier & yes the scan definitely helps...once you see your baby and their heartbeat you know it is all worth it!

Hope the tablets work for you!

charliesangels1 profile image

Hi all, just thought i'd put an update on here, I am feeling a little better, I didn't carry on taking the anti nausea tablets as they weren't really working and I read bad things about them so would rather not take them for the sake of the baby... I still do occasionally wake up feeling light headed and dizzy and do sometimes still heave but it is definately wearing off.

The main thing at the moment is tiredness, I work shifts starting at 7.30am and by 7pm that day I am exhausted and just go straight to bed when I get in, I am starting to feel like this is affecting my relationship with my OH, does anyone else feel like the pregnancy is consuming them and they can't think about anything else?

I feel like i'm negelcting him a bit, i know i need to make more of an effort but at the moment I simply don't want to if you know what i mean?

Does anyone feel the same as me and if you are further gone does it come back once you start feeling less tired?

Thanks again for all your support!

ladalada profile image
ladalada in reply to charliesangels1

Uf, I am 32 weeks now and still waiting my 'old self' full of energy and perfect health to come back. I didn't have sickness, but just a continuous feeling of being ill and mainly exhaustion. It fluctuates, but didn't quite go. Then they did my blood test at 6 months - to discover that my hemoglobin dropped from 13 to 10.2! so I started taking massive doses of iron - so I think it made it well. But I am not myself. I hope that after delivery will be better.

As regards my partner - it wasn't quite the ideal scenario at the beginning - although he is very happy about having a child. We had massive fights a few times - but we both acknowledge that it is because we are both tired and each expects the other to do some more and some other stupid reasons. But even after these fights we feel closer to each other, as we both want this child and struggle to understand and accept our limits.

So, trust your partner, love him, if you pray - pray for him and your relationship, do as much or little as you can, and be grateful to him for this gift that you give to each other.

cami_pod profile image

This is like reading my own diary if I had one...It has been the same with me and partner as I am just so tired all the time. I am about 11-12 weeks now and although the sickness is wearing off there is no difference with my energy levels.

Iuckily my partner seems to understand and is sympathetic (most of the time) so things are ok at the moment. my advice would be just to talk to him and explain how you feel (if you havent already) apparently in the 2nd trimester you feel full of energy so maybe soon everything is going to be so much better - fingers crossed

moomoo profile image

Hi I had severe sickness called HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) patient.co.uk/health/Pregna...

This lasted until 21 weeks, (lucky as it can last the whole preg) then I suppose I had a few weeks of energy and feeling ok, then the pelvic pubis pain SPD started to emerge and now i am anemic and on iron, yuk. Have you had your bloods yet, make sure if you getting really tired that they check your bloods, your gp can do that. I wasn't due mine again until gone 28 wks (now 31) and if it wasn't for a strange bruising on my arm I wouldn't of know I was anemic for a weeks, the doctor thought it was my platelets for a while, but it was my red cells that was the prob.

So I am with you on the not enjoying it, this is my second sucessful preg and I felt so full of joy with the first, this one I am so ill and tired and uncomfortable, I now experiencing anxiety attacks so another ailment to my list.

I hope you get to enjoy your preg, maybe if you are feeling less sick some exercise classes like antenatal might help, you may not feel up to I often don't but I do feel a little better after, I exercised with my first, yoga, Pilates and went for gentle massages, make sure you go to a midwife led class if you can or someone experienced with pregnancy.


jen26 profile image

feeling the same right now :/ i just feel so alone on this . It just feels like no one understands and my B.F is making me do dishes , I Cant stand any sort of smell! seriously feels like everything might fall apart . he has no consideration towards how i feel at this moment

LottyB profile image
LottyB in reply to jen26

Hi jen26, a lot of us have been in the same boat! I recommend a post on here by a lovely lady who's username is completenewbie. Have a look at it, lots of really helpful tips. Big hugs. It does get easier, I promise! Xx

Taryn914 profile image

I was the same as well. What really helped was gettint prescribed Reglan and Zofran. Soda crackers do help. Stay strong the worst is almost over

ricanloba787 profile image

Girl ill be 31 weeks on thursday and still dealing with horrible allday sickness. So not everybody so lucky :( i have not been able to enjoy this pregnancy at all my first trimester was so horrible i actually lost weight nothing but cannabis and ice is theonly thing thats be helping.. Have try everything n nothing helps my stomach so crazy not even water can be kept down.

Enoh profile image

Good day all. Your words sound encouraging but seriously I hate myself right now. Am in my 7th week, the past two weeks has been hell and am still in this hell. I can't eat, can't drink water, vomiting, weak, body pain, can't take drugs, when I manage to eat little it takes for ever for the food to digest, in fact am not me. At times I feel like ripping myself into two. I just pray this time pass me by soonest and I don't think I want to ever pass through this whole thing again.

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