my lmp was 8 weeks ago had early ultrasound showed i was five weeks with pregnanacy sac and no baby yet said all normal for 5 weeks very confused to go back in 2 weeks for further scan is this normal as i belive i am 6 weeks at the least ?
scan showed pregnancy sac and beginni... - Pregnancy and Par...
scan showed pregnancy sac and beginnings of yolk sac no baby

I'd recommend that you do a quick internet image search for '5 weeks pregnant scan'. There are loads of pictures, and reputable medical sites will have good information on those pages on what looks 'normal' at that stage. At a glance, it certainly appears to be normal, but I've never had a scan that early.
Hope it all goes well.
R x
i had a scan at 5-6 weeks. All it showed was a tiny blob with a little dot in the middle -looked a bit like a mini fried egg. Your scan sounds like mine -totally normal for this stage! At that point the embryo doesn't look like a baby & they may or may not be able to see a group of cells contracting (these will be the heart later on). When they scanned me i thought i was at least 6 weeks, but they told me i was 5wks +2days -it is VERY difficult to be accurate at this stage. All you can do is hang in there & wait for your next scan. I had several early scans & lots of scares, but i now have a beautiful baby girl. It's easy to say, but hard to do...... try not to get too wound up (like i did!).
Best wishes x
Thankyou very much this has helped me a lot i will just be hopeful until my next scan thanks again x
Perhaps you ovulated much later than normal, which would date the pregnancy later than you would imagine from last pregnancy I was 10 weeks from the scan but actually 13 weeks from date of came on the day the scan predicted, so dates can be wrong from lmp. Good luck for the next scan xxx
I was in the same situation. I had some bleeding at 5-6 weeks so had an early scan which showed a sac but no baby. I had another scan privately a week later as I couldn't sleep with the worry. There was the sac again with a tiny dot, it looked wrong for my dates. I was so worried. I had another one 2 weeks later and everything was fine,big baby heartbeat and all. I was so relieved. I know it easier said than done but try to relax. Good luck with your next scan and try not to worry x
Thankyou all for your help x
I have been researching for hours over the past few days about pregnancy and all that comes with it. Among my searches I found several women were saying that they had experienced what you have had, and there were many posts on this website (im sorry, i cant find the site again) who were saying that their babies did not seem to appear on the scan for several weeks. One woman said 9 weeks, another said 13. Do not panic yet there is still time.
Some women were saying that doctors had said that this may be some sort of chemical pregnancy and that the best option would be to terminate, but other women where commenting on this saying it is best to wait and not jump the gun as baby may appear a few weeks later.
Dont forget your not very far along in your pregnancy, so baby would not be very big at all -
Perhaps your baby is just shy, and will make an appearance in a few days.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you get things sorted as soon as possible. My thoughts are with you. x
hi bubbles 22 thankyou for your answer and to everyone else who answered sadly i had a missed miscarriage i waited 2 weeks for it to happen naturally it did for a whole week then i had to be admitted to hospital i am home now and back to normal
going through this has been horrendous but thankyou all for your kind words xx
So sorry to hear of your loss. I had a miscarriage last week at 9 weeks while I was abroad on holiday, and it's been really traumatic I only returned home yesterday and now have the impossible task of arranging a follow up appointment with my GP...why are there never enough appointments to go around??? I wish you all the best for the future xx

Please arrange appointment asap so that your body can go back 2 normal. n im sorry 2 abt ur miscarriage. i knw how u r fellin