Hey, I am now 3 days overdue, which I know is not a lot, but am not very good at relaxing, what methods did you use for inducing labour that you wouldn't find on the Bounty or Emma app or on the NHS (attempted the sweep on Tues and got it booked again on Sat)Any help grateful appreciated 😊🙏
Inducing labour: Hey, I am now 3 days... - Pregnancy and Par...
Inducing labour

I was 13 days overdue in the end, it was horrible.The week prior to going into labour -
1. I walked (waddled) around the park everyday, round and round.
2. I got a pedometer watch and made sure I got up to 7000 steps per day.
3. I searched on YouTube 'induce labour workout'. I found a workout, only 10 mins long, which was led by a 8 month pregnant fitness instructor. She did light bounces on the ball, lunges and light labour inducing exercises in a short workout. This helped too.
Good luck
With my first I went into labour the morning after my 2nd sweep so hopefully that works for you. With my 2nd I was only offered 1 sweep. I was 15 days over in the end and they broke my waters for me, in the build up though (even though I didn’t go into labour I still believe it helped make the induction process easier), I did a lot of walking, also I read what helps is going up stairs but 2 at a time if you can. Lots of slow squats. I never got one but could you get a birthing ball? I heard a few friends say it really helped them. I remember just reading you go to help gravity do the work, the more pressure on your cervix the better, so try to be upright. Legs open, I know it sounds crazy but I read UFO, upright forward facing and open to really help encourage that baby come out. But nice and slow, don’t be injuring yourself.
Good luck x
Hey - Sadly the best thing you can do is relax. Eat lots of healthy foods and drink as much as you can. Babies can get really comfortable.
My experience was trying everything on apps and nhs recommeneded( walking, trying to get oxytocin flowing by watching romantic movie and having date night etc) didn’t work for me. I went 10 days late and then started induction process in hospital. Hope yours is not too much longer
Hi! I have no advice on what works as I tried many things that didn't when my waters broke. What I would recommend however is that if you go down the route of medicated induction, make sure to get your pain relief of choice at the same time. I found the contractions after induction more painful than the natural ones. Very best of luck!
Hey i went 5 days over with my pregnancy in June and I wasn’t expecting as I was 1 week early with my first child. Anyway they had booked me in To get induced but my labour pains just kicked in itself and after that everything just happened soo fast! I’m sure you’ll be fine! Try to go for walks and stuff, Goodluck!!x