Do you try to wake the baby if they fall asleep at the breast? Hes only 2 days old so not sure when he's had enough really. That last feed was 20 mins.
Breastfeeding sleepy baby: Do you try... - Pregnancy and Par...
Breastfeeding sleepy baby

I wouldn't wake them straight away if they're have plenty of wet and dirty nappies, but I wouldn't let baby go more than 4 hours without rousing then for a feed. Do plenty of skin to skin and offer baby breast often so that they get used to it.
Kelly Mom and La leche league has some great advice of early days and feeding
From my personal experience as a Mother of 3, 20 minutes feed is okay so long as the baby fell asleep by him..... No need to wake him up.
On the other hand, you may need to watch/study the sleep length, plus any sign of hunger such as sucking.
I have read from MOMTHERLY and I think they did some justice to this topic:
Go on fb and join breastfeeding yummy mummy’s they are good
If you do breast compressions he may well wake a little and take more. 20 minutes sounds fine though if he’s weeing and pooping fine. My son use to feed for 40+ minutes but my daughter only does 10 minute feeds and it worries me to start with but she’s fine it’s just how she feeds.
I would not wake up the sleeping baby as they are not going to stay awake. Babies have natural relflex of sucking, they might not be drinking for whole 20 mins. I was feeding my baby every 2-3 hours for first 2 months. From my experience I can say my baby would drink to satisfy hunger and sleep at the breast. It’s nice to keep talking to them or just soft tickles on their body especially feet to keep them Awake while feeding. If the room is warm enough you can also undress the baby and try breast compressions. If the baby is getting good no of wet nappies that says they are getting good amount of milk