In this new lockdown... where do partners stand on coming to the scans? I have my 1st scan coming up and can't imagine seeing our baby for the 1st time without my partner. He would be devestated too. Cant find any up to date info online.
Partners at scans: In this new lockdown... - Pregnancy and Par...
Partners at scans

It depends on the hospital trust you are under. At mine they are allowing partners at 12 and 20 week scans but not 36 or any other growth scans. Check your hospital trust website or ask your midwife, they should know. Good luck x
I've been wondering this too. I'm nearly 7 weeks so still a few weeks away for me.
I've just googled my local hospital, Royal Berkshire and it says that one adult can accompany you. Id assume they'd update this if anything was to change?
I am keeping an eye on a private clinic nearby and monitoring their availability. Id rather not pay if I can help it but if my partner couldn't come then we'd find the money as its our first pregnancy. Touch wood, they still have an array of available appointments.
I'm 31 weeks and my partner couldnt come to any of my scans but they do say ring on the day to check and also giving free scan pictures. We went to a private clinic at 16 weeks that was awesome our 4th baby and 1st time there would highly recommend if your partner cant go to hospital with you 🙂
Good Morning,My friend works on a maternity ward and I asked her to check this because I am due my 12 wk any time now and after talking internally they have advised that at this point the intention is to always allow a partner to be with Mum throughout any appointments so that she feels supported regardless of lockdown and this isn’t set to change anytime soon but like the others have suggested it might be best to check in with the particular hospital just to be sure.
I’ve got an early scan next week due to previous recurrent miscarriages and my partner is allowed to come x
This is the latest national guidance, which says that all maternity departments need to take action to ensure that partners can attend all appointments. So if they say your partner can’t attend then I would challenge that based on the guidance above.
My husband didn't come to any. I think safety is there number one priority x
Hi, I’m currently 11 weeks. Due to the current situation I have only been given my booking appointment on my 12weeks and not a mention of when my 1st scan will be so to avoid disappointment we have decided to booked private scans to avoid any upset or delay - maybe something to think about. I have gone with ‘Peek A Baby’ and have had other friends mention they have booked with ‘Window To The Womb’. Hope this helps xo
My partner was allowed in for my 12w scan this week but this is due to the new guidelines announced before Christmas. A lot of hospitals are still doing their risk assessments to see when they can allow partners in. It's a priority to ensure pregnant people have support for all scans. It just may take some time in some places x
Hi everyone, Thank you for all your replies. I phoned the hospital today and they have said my partner can attend my 12 week and 20 week scans but no other growth scans, which I'm absolutely fine with. Just want him to be there to see baby at the same time as me. If that hadnt been the case then I definitely would have booked a private scan but its all good. Phew! I work in healthcare so definitely understand the importance of safety and less contact, the better but growing a life is pretty important too and I'm glad that's been taken into consideration now (unlike last lockdown!) Super excited for our first baby. Wedding was cancelled last year so this has given us some excitement and happiness on an otherwise depressing and uneventful time stay safe ladies x