I took this test when I woke up (around 12 ish). My partner is colour blind so it’s hard for him to help. I don’t know if I’m going crazy but is there a faint line? If so what does it mean? My period should’ve came 6 days ago 👀
Faint line or not?: I took this test... - Pregnancy and Par...
Faint line or not?

I cant see a line where I'd expect to see one, to the left of the line, but I can see something on the right thick line I can see a line and what looks dye run so I would say this test is invalid and try another test.
Hey there, I’d agree with previous post. I can see something very faint to the left however, I would say this test looks to be invalid with the dye run.I’d try a pink dye test with first morning urine. Good luck!
That dark line is the test line the super faint is the control with frer tests sometimes they drain the colour from the control of hcg is high. But not sure with these tests as it says invalid if it’s only the test line, I’d go buy another maybe different brand but still pink dye and try again. Good luck
You’ve ripped up the test, so that automatically makes whatever test invalid, try again tomorrow with a digital or a first response xx
I had a test exactly like this and I’m now 27 weeks pregnant. Go and get a digital test, then you can be sure xx
I can see the faint line. Wait a couple of days (torture I know) and retest with First Morning Urine. Fingers crossed for you!xx
There is a line but because the test has been tampered with its probs evap line... try with a diff test first thing on a morning x
Or get a digital test then Your partner can help xx
Definitely a faint line. All my pregnancies were like this. My husband even thought I gave him a negative pregnancy test it was that faint!