Hi. The title says it all really. I am getting worried as my boobs aren’t so sore now and I am not peeing as much as I have been. Is this normal? Or is this the start of end???? Xx
11weeks 4 days and pregnancy symptoms... - Pregnancy and Par...
11weeks 4 days and pregnancy symptoms seem to be fading. Is this normal?

Hi Emma i assume you have a 12 week scan booked? I’m afraid that’s probably what you need to wait for to confirm I know waiting is hard. If it’s any consolation I stopped needing to pee so much and boob pain subsided around the same time. I’m now 16 weeks and my boobs are getting tender again. Try and stay positive your body changes so much everyday throughout pregnancy, some weeks symptoms will increase and some weeks they will ease. If you are really worried you can call your midwife or your hospitals EPU (early pregnancy unit) but I think they will usually say unless you have a bleed and really strong cramping pains all should be well xxx
Awww yeah it's totally normal. I remember panicking too. Mine disappeared at about 14 weeks & I don't feel at all pregnant anymore, but bump is definitely there & I can feel movement now at 20weeks x
Totally normal, totally terrifying feeling! Your hormones settle a bit when the placenta has kicked in. As long as you’ve not had any significant bleeding and cramping ‘try’ not to worry.
Your forthcoming scan will help reassure you and then you’ll probably start worrying again just before your next scan. That’s how I was at least. Things definitely improve when you can start feeling baby move around x
Hi Emma
My pregnancy symptoms subsided around the same time. I am 22 weeks now and apart from big bump, burping and occasional heartburn I don’t feel pregnant.
When went for the scan at 13 weeks the little one was wiggling so much was hard to get a picture 😆
Hope you get your scan soon and everything is well xx
Hi there, to be honest it can go both ways. Pregnancy symptoms fluctuate, they ease and pick up right back again, which is totally normal. But it could also be a sign of an impending miscarriage I'm afraid. Both of my miscarriages started off by symptoms easing all before the 12th week. The only way to know for sure is to go for a scan, so if you are worried contact your EPU. I wish you all the best.