so today at doctors I found out my lb has got thrush in his mouth... thats why he aint been drinking his bottles properly or pooping becasue he aint drinking properly....ive got gel to put in his mouth which I have been... the only thing that is worrying me now is he has been sleeping all day.... I cant get hold of doctors now as it shut.... has anyone experienced this before with their babies xxx
baby thrush: so today at doctors I... - Pregnancy and Par...
baby thrush
Hey hun,
My little one has never had thrush but she had an ulcer on top of her mouth, she had and has days when she’s not feeling her best where she sleeps all day though hun,
It will be because babies body is trying to fight it off, thrush is an infection so with baby being little he will be sleeping to help fight it off, I personally say it’s nothing worry about, I mean if baby got high temp or not settling I would say worry,
However, I’d keep an eye on him, see how he goes tomorrow, as my little one would sleep all day one day then be wide awake the next or sleep a few days in a row then be wide awake and not want sleep...
Baby is still getting used to the world and it’s germs and bacteria hun, so don’t worry if he sleeps xx
hey hun its just mad how quick it came on...he was ok last night nothing in his mouth... he had his bottle before going out and he had a bit of milk in his mouth so didnt think nothing of it.... its only when I was sat in doctors I relised what it was.... im glad my doctor is nice the appointment was for me but she see him at same time with no appointment... he flat out asleep now this will be him out now for the night... it was just worrying how much he has slept today when he dont normaly sleep that much through the day. my older daughter was born with thrush it aint the nicest thing for them to have... she couldnt even drink when she had it. just cant wait for him to be better he having a tough time atm xxx

I know hun, but it goes as quick as it comes! That’s good so dr confirmed it’s thrush but your just worries about baby sleeping? Which I can honestly say shouldn’t be a worry, I’d be worrying about him not resting or settling hun, sleeping normally means they’re fighting it hun, it also could be catch up sleep as my little one would do that go days or weeks with no sleeping in the day, bam one or two days sleep all day...
He will be better soon hun! Stay positive! I know how you feel hun, but we will get there and so will our babies! Xxx
his mouth is starting to clear up now... this gel must be super sonic gel lol.... im just glad ge getting back to his normal self.... he started drinking more now and giving me plenty of poop nappies lol...he still sleeping a lot but im not going to worry as you said he fighting it off and catching up on sleep.... thank you for your advice and replying to me xxx

Glad to hear that he’s getting better hun! Haha it must be!
Yeah well that’s good hun! He’ll be back to himself soon! Haha it’s all good when we get poops lol and yeah exactly hun,
No worries glad I Could be of help hun xxx
Children do sleep more when unwell... can you wake him easily? Is he himself when away. I presume hes very young?
Also make sure you are sterilising bottles and dummies properly otherwise he will get thrush again. If you're breastfeeding too I'd use the gel on your nipples too.
he nearly 5 months he wakes up easily.... it is going now.... ive got all his bottles and dummies in the steriliser I change water every day ive also got the milton wipes so I can clean all his toys. I dont want him getting it again xx