I had bad nausea without vomiting throughout my first trimester, which I know is normal, but this went away at around 16 weeks I believe. Now at 27 weeks I have started to feel nauseas again sometimes, but only at night when I'm tired. Whenever I google it all the info is about bad sickness in the second trimester being a sign of something wrong, but is this the same for nausea without vomiting?
I have a feeling I'm probably just getting over tired, since I'm getting woken up around 7am every morning by baby kicks and my partner often doesn't get home from work until 11pm when I want to see him for a while. Then I've been very busy in the day, no time for naps. I have plenty of energy during the day, but at night I can suddenly feel very exhausted and that's when I get the nausea.
Could this be a sign somethings wrong? My blood pressure and urine tests are always perfect, plus we just heard the babies strong heart beat a few days ago 152 bpm which the midwife said is just right at this stage. Also the 20 week scan showed normal growth, but it's been a while since then.
Has this happened to anyone else? Is it likely something's wrong?