I’m about 35 weeks.. today I found out that I have extra amniotic fluids. Online it just gave another horrible list of side effects and I’m freaking out.. I know it said it only occurs in about 1% of pregnancies so I was hoping maybe someone could fill me in or something.. idk lol
Anyone with polyhydramnios??? - Pregnancy and Par...
Anyone with polyhydramnios???

My sil had that. The baby kept turning constantly when she got closer to her due date. She elected for a c section in the end. No other issues
That’s good to hear.. I’m not sure what’s going on yet, my next ultrasound is in a few days but I’m measuring at 38 weeks instead of 35.. keeping fingers crossed lol.. thanks for the comment😊
I had it out of the blue all of a sudden too much fluid around baby. I had a scan two weeks later to check on it and it had gone back to normal. Try not to worry, I know it's hard as the 2 week wait was hard for us and don't ever Google anything, Dr Google is the devil! Hope everything turns out just fine for you x
I had this. I was measuring very big and it was because of the extra fluid. They said I would have a huge baby but he was 7lb 13 so not huge at all. I had to be induced in the end (due to my age) and when they broke my waters it was spectacular my husband said - so much water! Baby is fine and I am fine. I read loads about it and worried it would mean something was wrong but I think it was one of those things. Hope all is ok with you and baby. Take care xx
Thank you.. glad everything went good for I think I might just be over thinking it a little lol