So between the 23rd October and 4th November I visited my bf I had my normal period on the 24-26, I suddenly had one for one day on the 14th in November and again on the 14th of December I had some specks but no full bleeds, I did a test after the December one and I had two faint positives and 3 negative, I saw doctor on the 16th cause felt like my uterus was being ripped out of me and felt like I had been hit by a car, and my boobs where swollen, doctor did loads of test all negative (pee and blood test) put me on antibiotics for the swelling of the boobs, seen him every week since and my boobs and getting bigger and he said when he feels them feels like they are filling with milk, I’m still having pressure in my belly, he has done another test and I should get results Monday, But is there any other reason I have all pregnancy symptoms but no pregnancy this will be my second if I am pregnant I stop breastfeeding my son 6 months ago, and I do suffer for anorexia, what doctor before said affected my results cause all my levels was extremely low, thank you
Doctors think I’m pregnant but test k... - Pregnancy and Par...
Doctors think I’m pregnant but test keep coming back negative

Have they not done ultrasound or any other test to figure out what’s it could be other than pregnancy?

He asked to do one the department turned him down so he has been doing assessment since to keep checking
The doctor felt your breasts and suggests they are filling with milk? In the (what would be) first trimester? You’ve got negative tests but he/she thinks you’re pregnant? You’ve got all those symptoms but no scan has been done?!
Sounds like you’ve got a dodgy doctor there and may need to see someone else as this sounds all a hit wrong.
Cysts can cause pain etc AND result in a positive test as well. What tests has he done? HSG level? If those came back as negative you can’t be pregnant. If he’s just repeated those, that seems pointless. I’m assuming he’s now checking for infections etc?
If you had such severe pain they shoudve really done a scan to see what’s going on. Appendicitis, ectopic pregnancy, some severe infections. I’d go elsewhere if you’re not happy with the updates on Monday.
I’m sorry but I can’t get over the ‘he feels they are filling with milk.’ If he did a blood test almost a month ago now for pregnancy, which came back negative, why would he say that and they wouldn’t fill with milk at that stage!
The first time he agreed was massive tits but there I had stop breastfeeding 6 months before so shouldn’t have started unless I was, he said I could be pregnant with all the signs did a test but with my first all test all came back negative even blood and only found out when they scanned and saw a heartbeat, but the ultrasound department keep saying they won’t take me on till more test are done, he thinks I am, he felt my stomach and all my symptoms make him think I am, but he can’t go any further cause the other department won’t take me till after this test
Where r u? Because if your in the uk if you said your 7 weeks pregnant and had bad cramps you’d be scanned by the EPU without any confirmation of pregnancy or need of a dr referral. They take your word for it.

I’m in north England and I told them but was refused to be seen cause negative at doctors so I didn’t second question it, but tomorrow he will phone and I’ll go from there
Hi kitty, any news yet?