I’m 13 weeks I just wonder when you start to feel movement?
When do u start to feel movement - Pregnancy and Par...
When do u start to feel movement
Hey, for me I think I started to feel flutters around 15/16 weeks, I think I was around 21/22 weeks before the movements became stronger. Xxx
Hi. I’m the same as Amanda and started to feel tiny flutterings last week which was week 15. Xx
I had a front placenta and didn't feel anything until 28 to 30 weeks x x
I felt proper movement from 17 weeks but I think that was quite lucky as I’ve read the norm is around 20 weeks. You might feel flutters soon! x
Looking back I think I felt baby move around 17/18 weeks but proper movement/kicks were about 22 ish weeks xx
I was 21 weeks exactly, they told me my placenta was at the front at my 20 weeks scan so it may take long, midwife had already told me 18 - 25 weeks for first baby x
It honestly depends on the person every pregnancy is different I felt it early with my first. But I was super unhealthy thin with my second I felt her around 14 weeks and this one I feel movement and I almost 12 weeks so it really all depends
For me first definite movements were 18 weeks and midwife said that was early for a first pregnancy but in subsequent pregnancies people feel it earlier.