My first pregnancy want smooth, and easy, but this one, I feel hungry, but I can't eat anything, when I do I feel like gross, I can't drink anything with flavor, and I can never feel good.
What should I do I'm scared and this ... - Pregnancy and Par...
What should I do I'm scared and this is my second pregnancy

Are you actually keeping food down if you are it should pass but if you can't keep food and water down you need to see the doctor for anti sickness meds I had a fine first pregnancy but my second had me on hospital throwing up all time and my current one has got me throwing up constantly
I try and eat like two bits but then I get turned off from food, it's been like this for a ahlie now, I even tried to drink my food but I still feel sick
It might be worth going to the doctors and asking for anti sickness meds if you aren't able to eat. Don't worry too much about it. It happened that I was throwing water straight back up with my second and had to have iv fluids and anti sickness meds and he was born healthy and 7lb 13. I weighed less after pregnant than I did pre pregnancy but both of us were still healthy. I've been constantly sick and put back on anti sickness meds again with my current pregnancy but so far baby is perfectly healthy
Hi I’m
On my 3 rd pregnancy with another little girl 21weeks and still being sick a hell of a lot 3-4 times at least a day been given meds but to be honest they’ve made me feel worse. I feel bad but the only thing that’s making me feel like a human and not throwing it back up is coke full fat been to midwife and docs they told me to eat whatever and eat what i can the baby will take what’s needed. Didn’t matter if you can’t eat anything with flavour don’t worry eat what you can when you can and hopefully it’ll pass I’m praying mine will too I’m desperate for a roast dinner 😳x good luck x
Hi how many weeks are you? Maybe your having the opposite sex to first pregnancy. I had 2 easy pregnancies and were both girls.