Hi. My LO is now 8 weeks old and was latching fine up until 3 days ago. He was fine with latching on me as well as being fed from bottle (expressed milk). He had no preference until 3 days ago. For some reason, now he just wants bottle. He just wouldn't latch on me anymore. It is now resulting in very low supply on one side. Anything I could do to change this???
LO stopped latching : Hi. My LO is now... - Pregnancy and Par...
LO stopped latching
Just make sure baby doesn't have anything like thrush in his mouth but otherwise they do tend to have a preference for bottle or breast. Bottle is easier to drink from than breast. You can offer only breast and stop bottle and hope baby drinks once thirsty but otherwise not much else you can do. As for low breast milk you can express instead to keep up milk supply.
First of all... don't give up if you want to continue breastfeeding! Things like oral thrush or teething can change how they latch on or he might just be feeling a bit lazy! Try a different position... Rugby Ball position is a good one for making sure that they are getting a good mouth full of breast. In the meantime if you are still stuggling then keep your supply up by pumping and get in touch your health visitor, they should be able to help our of you in touch with a breastfeeding support worker. Xx
My daughter was like this as we give her gripe water and infant gaviscon via bottle plus expressed breast milk, latch became awful and she kept messing around, so only gave bottle when I really had to. A few weeks ago I posted about low milk supply, got tons of good advice and have been pumping lots since. My daughter sleeps 8 hours straight (at night, but doesn't sleep at all during day) and a couple of weeks ago I could only get about 2oz from both boobs after 8 hours, then no matter how much I pumped during day I would only get drops. But now I wake myself up at 3-4am just to pump (silly I know when daughter is sleeping, partner says I should too...) I got this morning 5oz then another 3oz at 9am and just put another ounce in fridge (will freeze 7oz of that) won't pump anymore today as I still aim to get another 6 feeds in (she's already had 2 this morning), so cut cut post short pump,pump and pump again, but make sure your eating enough and rest whenever possible.