Hi, at what week of pregnancy can i go to the hospital for an appointment(antenantal)?
Appointment: Hi, at what week of... - Pregnancy and Par...
Have you had your midwife appointment yet? If not ring your doctors and get an appointment set up I had my first midwife appointment at 8 weeks I'm now waiting for my dating scan appointment to come through from hospital
Here's what I did-
Once my pregnancy tests said I am pregnant I waited a bit (as test said 2+ weeks but I knew I have to ad 2 extra weeks of pre-conception)- at week 6 I called my GP (waited 2 long weeks for my appointment). She asked me to call midwifes and I got my first One-To-One appointment on week 10.
(I did not have any complications in my apprehension so I was very patient - I still could not believe I am pregnant and thought it's a joke - still can't believe!)
I was invited to a group meeting - it was a bit boring as I read few books about what to expect etc, except they took our blood pressure, measured and weighted us.
When I went to On-to-One appointment at week 10 which lasted 1 hour- she filled the forms, took blood + urine samples.
Then at week 13 had the date scan.