I am 39 years old, I will be 40 in January, my husband and I have been TTC for exactly a year. I just found out on October 28, 2014 that I am 4 weeks pregnant, but my hcg levels were only at 98. I am very concerned that this level is very low. I had my blood drawn again today, but will not see the results until monday, I have my 5 week ultrasound on Tuesday. Can someone please give me some advice or info, I am really new to all this, and I am really concerned.
First time pregnancy at 39 years old - Pregnancy and Par...
First time pregnancy at 39 years old

Firstly id like to congratulate you and your husband on your pregnancy, & the best advice i can give you is to try not to let your thinking about the baby or etc... go into over-drive as i believe this can only begin to build up lots of tension in your mind & body.
I can imagine it's easier said than done though as i have 2 children myself & constantly worry about them if their ever out of my sight.
You may already have seen this, but of not, it seems helpful -
I'd also say try not to let it stress you out, as that's not helpful, but it's easier said than done!!
Whoop! Whoop! Congratulations from a fellow 39er (I'm 25wks and 40 in December). There are only 3 things you have to do now 1) Relax 2) Get your vitamins, diet and general health (mental & physical in order) 3) Come to realise that feeling like a rabbit in headlights is completely normal
Besides this there is nothing more you can control and the journey has started and you just have to hold on tight. At the beginning I remember thinking everything took such a long time to know, waiting for tests, waiting for scans, expecting more to happen all at once, but you get used to it. This forum has been essential. I found put about Early Pregnancy Clinic, (uk) where your gp can refer you for early scans outside of normal ones if there are any doubts with how jnr is doing and seeing that little heartbeat on the screen for the first time is utterly spellbinding. So happy for you. Just take a deep breath and let the anxiety follow over your head (easier said than done). Oh and sleep loads, that's an excellent way to stop your brain from over doing things. Xxx
I am 40 and nearly 5 weeks pregnant this is also my first. Wonderful isn't it xxxx I'm eating well, feeling nauseated sometimes, and tired, I'm not sure if this is normal so early on but I am embracing everything as this was done through our 3 rd attempt at IVF X congratulations by the way xxx
Hi, try to relax n not stress about it, I'm now 42 and 32 weeks with my second, my first is only 17 months n although she was 5 weeks early she is a very fit n healthy girl. There are more risk as you get older, but as said just try to relax n roll with it. Wish u the very best n hope all works out for you x
Thank you everyone for all your helpful words, unfortunately I ended up in the hospital last night and found out I was having an ectopic pregnancy. They gave me a shot to shed the lining of my uterus as ectopic pregnancies are life theeatning. I have to say that it was the worst day of our lives, but we r not giving up.
So sorry to hear this. We went through this in May, but unfortunately I had to have surgery to remove my right tube. Just starting to think about trying again now.
It was late when they realised it was ectopic and it was too late for the injection you had. Apparently only slightly affect your fertility as long as the other tube is ok.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I had a miscarriage in February 7/8 weeks. I am 46 years old and 31 weeks pregnant with my second girl (both conceived naturally). Don't give up!