I'm 38 days late on my cycle has several please pee sticks our negative I went to the dr. August 16 and it was negative blood test never have and irregular cycle what's wrong with me and I'm pregnant I'm not I'm having cramps i'm constipated very emotional
I'm 29 yrs old : I'm 38 days late on... - Pregnancy and Par...
I'm 29 yrs old
Many things can interrupt a cycle, including stress, illness and weight. Just relax, and if it's not here again when you are next due on, go back to the gp. False negatives do happen, but are not always the case.
Hi Keona, please don't fret. This can happen to anyone and as Mummy Panda says can be caused by various things. It's happened to me in the past, I lost my periods for up to 4 months - Dr put it down to stress and being overweight. I also later discovered misdiagnosed fybroids. In the end I was given medication that made me bleed and this knocked my cycle back into motion and I was patted on back with a diet sheet and the name of a psycologist!! Anyway, guess I'm just saying try to chill. If you're trying for a baby this will be easier said than done but on positive side this issue may be an indicator of things you need to sort out one to one with your body and mind before it will let you conceive. If you need any help or support whatsover please let me know - I've got 10 years worth of heartbreak and experience in this field and if I can make your journey a little easier, please let me know xx