I was just wondering can they be wrong about the baby sex on the ultrasound?
I just had my 18 weeks scan. But I am... - Pregnancy and Par...
I just had my 18 weeks scan. But I am not so sure about my baby gender as the told me is a girl because there was no penis present.

Hi first congratulations on yr pregnancy! I think its pretty rare they get it wrong! Ive hadtthree and they got all right! Its pretty obv if its a boytthough in my experience lol xx
Thank you.
Hi babylove,
Even though ive heard of some cases where the sonographer may have got it wrong i like to think that since they are usually trained via an university or college tutor they must know or at least have had a fairly good idea of what they have seen on the scan.
I've had 2 children & they've got it spot on both times.
Thank you I hope you are right.
I have had one child and they were right with her gender, however I don't know if they do this in every hospital but when I went and got induced they asked me if it happens to be a boy if I want him circumcised. it made me a little weary, but they were still right thank god. if she would have been a boy he would have been wearing pink for a while. lol. I wish you a safe pregnancy and congrats
Firstly Congratulations.... I don't think any sonographer will 100% confirm the gender of any baby and they should have told you that. Will you be having any more scans? x
No I won't. I will just wait for the baby to arrive. The most important thing is that is a healthy baby. Thanks.
The sonographer told my OH and I that we are expecting a girl, but he did say that they can never be 100% with girls (boys are a bit more obvious, lol!). I think they have to say that 'just in case', but if they couldn't tell, I don't think they would have said anything. We've got 6 weeks to go, so we'll be finding out soon enough!
Like you said, as long as the baby is healthy, that's all that matters X