This is my 5th pregnancy and I have never been so worried than I am with this one. Even tho I have been there done it all before. I am now around 5-6 weeks I've been bleeding very slightly for about 5 days now, I had an early scan last week but it was too early to see the baby there was a sac and yolk sac visable . I've been told to go bk next week to check all is developing normally . Sick with worry as I still see blood when I wipe . All of my other pregnancies ended with 4 wonderful kids. I guess all I can do is wait for my next scan.
Hi all, i am a new member to this sit... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hi all, i am a new member to this site and looking forward to sharing experience's and advice. I'm also totally new at this so bear with me.

Hey bella,
Id firstly like to say congrats on your 5th pregnancy & you're clearly a braver woman than myself as i only have 2 children & get exhaused just thinking about the prospect of having any more. -
Id also like to add many women (including myself) experience light bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy & baby can be fine.
Try not to stress or worry too much & i hope your next scan goes well.

Thank you for your response I am very grateful. I have to say that joining this site has calmed me massively so thank you. I'm still bleeding slightly this morning but instead of worrying, I can now just login here, Hopefully I can share good news next week. Thanks for your help and advice. X
I was exactly the same so so anxious from start to finish and I bled for the first month it was horrible and worse when there was more blood. .. But it did stop Thank goodness but even though I love being pregnant this was my most anxious one. ... Take it as easy as u can x
Welcome and Congratulations!! Hope everything goes ok. X