I want to start classes. When's best to sign up and what classes do people recommend? X
When to start classes?: I want to start... - Pregnancy and Par...
When to start classes?

Hi ChelseaKnight,
Which classes are you referring to? Mother and baby? Antenatal? Parent and toddler?
I've been told by my midwife that I've got to wait until a month before the due date to start NHS ante natal classes. She's advised me to book them a month before that. Seems a bit late for my liking, but was told that any earlier and I'd forget the information! If in doubt, ask your midwife at your next appointment X
I went at 32 weeks but sort it asap as they get booked up x
I thought the NCT classes are excellent, and I made some good friends through them. Check the NCT website.
I booked mine at the local hospital when I was 6 weeks pregnant as I was reading online anout how NHS ones get booked up fast and I couldn't afford nct classes for £200. Luckerly there was 2 places left and I start them a month before I'm due, I'd say do it asap, my midwife said at my 16 week appointment to sort it out after 30 weeks so I told her I told her I already had and she said I shouldn't of done that but the way I see it is if I hadn't I dunno if I could get NHS classes so its tough, I just rang the hospital switch board and asked to be put through to anti natel x