She is ebf but still seems to get very gassy which makes her very upset. She normally passes two explosive yellow poos per day but i have been noticing some smaller greener tinged poos as well. I normally feed from one breast at a time as i want to avoid her getting too much foremilk. Any advice for a tired mummy would be greatly appreciated.
My dd is 4 weeks old and for the last... - Pregnancy and Par...
My dd is 4 weeks old and for the last week has not been sleeping so well and getting very distressed.
Poo explosions are totally normal in bf babies. When you say green as long as they are not too green I'd guess this was colic. My baby was like this to start and woke in the night at the same time with terrible wind, he'd lie grunting and farting for hours it was tough.
I found doing baby massage (colic routine for tummy twice daily) helped a little and also colief (get it for free from gp).
In the end I used to take him to his nursery and do tummy massage till he farted. He was only bothered this one side. It may be worth seeing a breast feeding advisor to check nappy and latch to make sure they are fine but if it is colic unfortunately it's a case of rising it out.
Seems the worst thing ever at the time though. Oh I co slept with him till 9 weeks which got us through worst bit. If you do this check out safe co sleeping guidelines and research it yourself. So much evidence to show lower rates of SIDS in communities that co sleep if done safely. As with everything the phrase this too shall pass helps. I'm rinsing myself of this during 4 month sleep regression.
We're doing the 4 month sleep regression here too and am not feeling the 'it will pass' expression this morning. How's that going for you? X
He's had an ok couple of nights so I'm rallying! I was so lucky as from about 8 weeks he was going 7 hr stint most nights. He was doing hourly wakings for a while now 3ish. My poor boobs don't know what's going on. Still his big smiley face makes it all better.
Same here, over christmas we had 10-11 hr stints, never really less then 6, am getting anything between 2-6hrs now before 1st still waiting to come out the otherside but seems he still has so much to learn with this milestone so fingers crossed it will happen soon, I am missing my sleep and yes after being up 3-5am seeing him smile forgave all sins X
Hey..does sound like a bit of colic..does she cry alot? My son whose bf had colic from about 8-11 weeks. The only thing that worked for us was colief as julietho said get it frm gp its expensive. Also try bicycle legs with her to get the wind moving..I still do it now as my son thiks its funny..hes now nearly 19 weeks and is so much happier and content. X
Hey, congratulations first of all & your not alone.
My LO is 18 weeks & is EBF. We too experienced a period of tummy pain, trapped wind and inconsolable crying for a while, reading stories on here it seems the majority go through this 'phase' and we all had our remedies. I used Infacol before each feed for a little while, in fact used 1 whole bottle, brought 2 more, barely used one and the other remains unopened as this did pass quicker then I thought if that's an consolation.
Bright yellow poos great, green not soooo bad. They get them from time to time, my understanding is its a foremilk hind milk thing, I always empty one breast before starting the other at each feed unless I was absolutely sure he emptied the tank as he kept pulling off. The green ones don't last long or only for a few nappies.
As for the tiredness, this will come and go....with great periods & bad period, growth spurts, sickness & sleeping through and the minute you think you've cracked it and relax it will all change says the women who's baby was doing an impressive 10-11 hrs straight to 5+2 last night and we were up 3-5am and again at 7....shattered I am Xx
Thanks for your advice. I figure it will get better with time but she was so good and seems to have got worse in the last week. All the other babies in our nct group seem to be so much more settled than her. Have to keep reminding myself that all babies are different. Had a really easy pregnancy so maybe this is payback!