What does this mean? He is feeding a lot, both breasts at each session, about 30 mins per side & I always wait for him to finish. He's does seem to be in discomfort with wind (last few days) but it doesn't ever come out as a burp, only lots of loud farts & exploding poo! Any ideas what could be the matter?
My DS is 15 days old, he is exclusive... - Pregnancy and Par...
My DS is 15 days old, he is exclusively BF and has had loose yellow poos for a while now but tonight he has done 2 green ones.

Most common reason is a temporary imbalance between foremilk and hindmilk, and is entirely normal x
Would that be my fault for thinking he's drained one boob and moving him over to the other? I presumed that if he pulled off himself that it was empty.
No, not your fault - he's only 2 weeks old. Your milk supply isn't fully established yet and your body is trying to find a pattern to meet babies needs.
My LO still has the occasional green poo. It's when one nappy is green poo and the very next one is orange that baffles me.
Pulling off the boob is a sign baby has had enough to eat - anything more is usually 'a drink' and may have more foremilk I guess. Things will settle and work themselves out.
Congratulations on your LO. You know I asked this exact same question! Like Dr Fluffy said its all normal. Our little man in 9wks and u have had effectively traffic lights this week, regular yellow, then bright orange and even a green one he too is exclusive breast fed.
You could try winding him and then putting him back on before swapping breasts & seeing his reaction. Breast feeding is demanding but worth it if you can do it.
Have you found a baby cafe for breast feeding support tea coffee and cake? I go to one and there is breast feeding counsellors there & support peers Mums to Mum...am off there this morning X
Thank you both for your replies. He continued to have green poos throughout the night, he's currently feeding now & I can hear he has a very gassy tummy and he's doing some really wet trumps! He must have a gas issue but he will never do any burps. Once he's laid in his Moses basket he just squirms & makes a noise like he's pushing all the time. I don't know how else to settle his tummy.
There is a breast feeding group in my area tomorrow which I think I will go to. I might feel better after speaking to someone face to face because I'm not sure what to do at the moment!
We had this problem with the squirming and straining all the time, but was still doing at four weeks. We actually cured by introducing formula (not suggesting that's what you should do, think asking for advice is best idea), not sure why this cured him straining so much as he is still full of wind, and like yours is very rare he burps but does lots and lots of pumps. He's now 7 weeks. We got a good thing from hosp - a poo chart. what colour poo's should be and when, and when to worry about them. Was brilliant, especially when started coming out like curry lol! x
My LO doesn't burp much either and is quite pumpy! We got some infacol which can help relieve wind and if he's crying it seems to calm him cos he likes the taste! x
We started getting constant green poos around the same age and I too thought it was a fore/hind milk issue. It turned out my lo was very sensitive to what I ate. Being a veggie I was eating lots of fruit and veg. Had to cut out most fruits but especially Apple and pear, broccoli, cauliflower, onions and peppers to name a few. It worked so it might be worth giving it a try too, or keeping a food diary to see what your lo may be sensitive too? Xx
Thanks for everyone's replies. He is still doing green poos, they are like pesto green colour. I went to a breast feeding group today and the lady said that as long as he is well in himself and he's doing plenty of wet nappies then it shouldn't be anything to worry about. I'm not entirely sure on the wet nappies though coz they all have poo in them so it's hard to tell. I guess I'm feeling for the weight of them.
I can't help but worry though, I wish they would go back yellow again. I will look at what I am eating just in case it's that.
As if looking after your first newborn is not stressful enough!