Did ur health visitor tell u to take pregnacare whilst breastfeeding? Mine told me because of rickets babies need the vitamin d and we need to take the supplement thru pregnacare. ...
Breastfeeding mums: Did ur health... - Pregnancy and Par...
Breastfeeding mums
No mine didn't and as rickets is also caused by a lack of calcium babies shud b fine as thts what there diet is. There are certain ethic groups tht are at higher risk but hav a look on the nhs website but personally I dont think u need to take anything extra obv its up to u x

Vit D helps the body use calcium... Xx
I told mine I was taking the breast feeding equivalent from the makers of Pregnacare which also has Omega 3. She said not to get the expensive ones and get a supermarket brand. I have yet to find one to match the vitamins in the BFing ones. I then discovered the Omega 3 capsules were made of beef gelatin capsules and whilst I am not a veggie I did not expect this as I don't eat beef so was put off.
I have noticed though that since I stopped taking them 3 weeks ago all my nails have broken and weakened so I might just put myself on it makes me think I am maybe deficient X
These are what I was taking, thought was getting 2 months worth but it's just a month
Just looked at these will search around forSpecial offers but annoying when they have to use beef gelatine x.... just seen tesco do some £3 for 30 so a pound cheaper and they are doing 3 for 2 at the moment x

A £1? These are like £14.99-£15.99 a month depending on where you buy. I did see another multi vits on Boots from Sanatogen called New Mum might be worth looking at xx
No they are £3 so apound cheaper than pregnacare ones u take whenur pregnancy the tesco ones say they are for pregnancy and breastfeeding. .. they haven't got the omega 3 and I need to compare them against the pregnacare to see if they contain the same amount x
You are at least meant to take vitamin d after giving birth, i was advised a year or so. You are also advised to take whilst pregnant. We get vitamin d mainly from sunlight and we generally don't get enough. Baby is also meant to have as a supplement for boys up to about 7 and for girls into their teens according to my health visitor. HOWEVER, lactation consultant advised me my little one didnt need separate supplement at the moment as i am breastfeeding and took vitamin d during pregnancy and postnatal too. x
My diet isn't great so think I will take something. .. Thanks for info will look into breastfeeding supplements
So long as you took Vit D through out your pregnancy, there is no evidence for supplementing while breastfeeding, unless you are a high risk group (I,e dark skin). This is the current advice. However, you do need to give your LO vitamin drops inc Vit D when you start weaning, even if you continue to breastfeedi. Xx
There are new shiny posters all over our children's centre and child health clinic - will photograph one tomorrow and post it xxx
I told my midwife I was taking pregnacare during pregnancy and asked if it was ok to take general multivitamins now I'm bf. She saw I had pregnacare left over and said to keep taking them.
I took pregnacare for about 4 months into pregnancy but then forgot take them but we did have a good summer and I went on holiday so hopefully that helped stock up vitamin d...
Yes I was told to take them but never have just made sure I've had a balanced healthy diet.
Really living in a hot country i wouldof thought ur ok over there alleymo... is cos we dont get much sunlight here

... What's it like weather wise I'm back in 5 weeks yay. How's little baba settling in with his mummy x
Its mild but grey and it's been raining alot thou no rain today
I was told this as well but didn't get round to it (too much to do with three kids to look after and recovering from a c-section!) Can't say it would have made much difference as I have a balanced diet and was taking my LO out a fair bit too. I do think, however, if you're diet isn't great its is worth taking a multivitamin, especially while breastfeeding, just to boost your health level - after all breastfeeding is tiring enough on a healthy diet, on one thats not that great, it must be even worse!
how about having a Calin+ yoghurt once a day? Its got calcium and vit D (100% of GDA if u believe the advert) its gotta be more enjoyable than a supplement xx
Ohhh I'll have a look at that Thanks
Don't want to contradict the doctor on this board but I was told the recommended dose of vitamin D for breastfeeding is 10 micrograms even if you supplemented during pregnancy. I understand this is to avoid your own supply running too low as the baby takes everything. So I bought a standard multivitamin which has 5 micrograms, and additional calcium /vitamin D tablets. Still way cheaper than the specialized breastfeeding vitamins and all the same stuff! I'm just paranoid because there is a lot of osteoporosis in my family.
This is not my area of expertise, so contradict away... :-). As I said, that was the advice given by HV, midwife, GP, and there are posters to this effect all over our CC and HV clinic.. As I said, will take a snap later today xxx
Thanks dr fluffy I dint think I get enough sunlight I just walk to school and back so prob outside for half hour a day same for baby but my other kids have lots of daylight but I did buy my teenage daughters vit d tab but they dont take them! And I'm not really a great veg and fruit eater so think I will take pregnacare x
Really interesting post and replies, I wasn't told to take any supplement while breastfeeding, although my husband nags me occasionally and I do if I remember (standard multivitamins). I have however been trying to eat a balanced diet and have been conscious of increasing my calcium diet with yoghurts and cereal. I think I read somewhere that you only need a little sunlight the equivalent to your forearm to catch some sun in order to get your vitamin d boost, Dr Fluffy, do you think this is correct? We have also been doing a lot of walking and avoid the car if we can too!
Never been told that before, and I’ve breastfeed twice on both babies