Hi I have hit my due date today and I have not had any sign that anything is gonna happen soon no BH no show nothing. Little dude has been going mental moving a lot more than before! I feel like crap tho I feel sick and tired and that's not me just being fed up is this a sign something might happen soon?
Due today and feel like crap - Pregnancy and Par...
Due today and feel like crap
I Had no inkling with my first and third just another normal night with my first jumped at a firework going off while I was having a wee got into bed and said wish it would happen now and 10 mins later my waters went. ... with my thirdi was taking the kids to school got out the car to take them in sneezed and my waters went... so sometimes there is no warning... my friend went out for a curry went fora wee and her waters went had to call someone to get her partner. . She Was so shocked.... so just keep going and u never know... try and enjoy what could be the last day before little one arrives have a curry and some sex tonight cos u won't feel like that fora while all the best exciting times
Thanks I just really don't want to be induced had a battle to get to be able to give birth at the birth centre rather than the labour ward and I don't want it all to be for nothing! Have been trying the spicy food and pineapple all week have just made it too comfortable I think!!
You never know the time and place where it can start.fingers crossed you wont have to wait long.i was so shocked when my waters broke with my son as it was exactly day before due date(so i had him as planned).i had no signs or anything.my mucus plug went with my waters.i've seen midwife day before and he wasnt even fully engaged.so things can really move fast.good luck hun xx
Hi LDM, second all that people have said - I have always tried looking for signs and stuff but have never really had anything clear signs telling me it's going to kick off - the only thing I can say is that it almost always happened the day after the day when I felt I couldn't take anymore waiting and was climbing the walls! I hope it is soon and you don't have to struggle against induction for your birth centre birth. x
Thanks everyone I'll just let it happen when it happens x