Hi just a quick one to let you guys know that I have been looking at ways to increase my income whilst on maternity leave and although its not alot there are ways of making a couple of pound here and there doing online surveys. One on which was introduced to me through emma's Diary so I knew it was safe a legit. There are many online which I dont think are safe and I no there is alot of e-mail spam about asking you to take part in surveys as part of a get rich quick scheme (which IS NOT SAFE). However I have joined a survey scheme called" New Parent Panel" not sure if you will have heard of it but its basically where you make anything from 88p to £5.00 for taking part in a survey. Its surveys are for pregnant and new parents when you register you answer a load of questions which could be relevant in a survey and if a survey comes up which meets your details in your registration profile it will be e-mail to you for you to take part in there. Once you have submitted enough surveys and made a minimum of £8.00 you can have the payment paid direct into your bank account through pal pal. Its safe and easy to use and you dont have to enter any bank or address details. I have just transferred my first paying through palpal into my account for £58.00 its taken a while to build as I only registered for 6 e-mails per month but its better than a kick in the teeth when money has to stretch even further than normal when on maternity leave.
I am looking into so others so if I find any which research shows is safe then I will let you guys no. I have currently investigating (Cash back research).
There are a few others about which I have been talking to a few people about to find out if they are safe or not (on of which is called Cash Back Research) However I am still looking into this website as I no not sure if its safe or not although I cannot find any information on Google that suggests its not real or led-git. If anyone knows any different about Cash Back Research please let me know as I am currently judicious about using it but find these market research websites (obviously safe ones) are very helpful when it comes to helping out with your finances or saving for something special.
Hope you find this blog helpful.
P.S Oh if you are part of Emmas Diary and havent already got your baby montiors there is a voucher on there for digital video monitors for £45.00 from Argos instead of £100.00 (worth signing up and using the voucher for I've just used mine for them and gotta say I am over the moon I got the ones I wanted that I couldn't have afforded without the voucher).