Hi I'm 20 weeks 3 days pregnant and have beem getting realy dizzy when stod for more than 20minutes I thought it mite be low blood pressure but have taken my blood pressure and its normal any idea what else it could be? Seems to be round about the same time that I have been able to feel my little one move a lot could just be a coinsidence? Xx
Dizzy at 20 weeks: Hi I'm 20 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...
Dizzy at 20 weeks

Maybe ur iron is low? If u stand still for that length of time then can cause a drop in blood pressure try and keep it toes and feet moving....Try and sit down when u feel like it x

It shouldn't do - BP will drop early, not late as your blood vessel tone (vagal tone) takes over after a few minutes and helps narrow (vasoconstrict) your veins to help give a stable BP. Xx
Still could be 'low' blood pressure - something called a postural drop. Take your BP lying down. The stand up - stand up for a few minutes and take it again. If the big number standing is 20 less than the big number sitting this can make you dizzy.
The other thing to check, as pointed out is your Hb.
The most likely thing is 'just' pregnancy. I has some amazing faints during my second trimester - including into the central aisle grab pole of a Central Line tube at rush hour - talk about sore head and dented ego!!!
Nothing worse...... I'm 14 weeks and had to go to the doctors last week because I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded and she put it down to calcium deposits in my ears moving around but apparently this will settle its self another joy of being pregnant lol hope it passes quickly whatever's causing it!! x
Me to was teaching a class the other day n ended up sat on the floor with 30+ people staring at me and my boss fanning me with a diary and being force fed water and sugary food very embarising haha x
i was in the doctors monday due to dizzyness and fainting. i also get nose bleeds. which is strange. monday i had 3 in the morning before the faint.
my blood pressure is always very low so that causes the fainting. but nose bleeds are normally caused by high blood pressure.
they say yu feel more faint in your 2nd trimester for some reason. so when you feel the need to sit down make sure you do xx
Sounds like it could be low blood sugar? Happened to me for a while around 16 weeks. Make sure u always have a sugary snack or drink with u xxx
Laurah123: Nose bleeds are really common in pregnancy - we all have a natural weak spot in our noses called 'Little's Area' - the normal extra blood volume, hormone changes and higher blood pressure of pregnancy is all that's needed to make it bleed for no apparent reason! If it becomes bothersome, ask your GP to refer you up to ENT - they can confirm, and cauterise this area. Xx
thanks Dr Fluffy. only worries me when i wake up in the night choking on the blood. my doctor did suggest having vessel cauterised and it seems to scab alot and stops me breathing properly. so first thing i do is blow my nose. which triggers it again. im sure it will pass soon xx
It's a bit delayed but I've been suffering with feeling faint (3 times in the past week) + then completely blacked out on 1 occasion yesterday, I spoke 2 my midwife about it on Monday and as my blood pressure + blood sugars are all normal she thinks its just a mixture of stress, both emotional and physical as only had a baby in October and was pregnant again 10 weeks later as my son was stillborn, and tiredness due 2 working 12hour nightshifts, she thinks that on top of normal pregnancy is just draining me, I'll b 20 weeks 2moro. Xxx
Gosh sonds like you have been throu it I'm cn my midwife on thursday so going to ask!
Gosh sonds like you have been throu it I'm cn my midwife on thursday so going to ask!