What tips and tricks do you have when... - Power2Save Transp...

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What tips and tricks do you have when it comes to your medications?

IzabellaDOnofrio profile image
2 Replies

What things do you do to make sure you take your medications every day?

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IzabellaDOnofrio profile image
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2 Replies
MIKidney profile image

I have a loud obnoxious alarm set on my phone.

GleasonJim profile image

To make a habit work effectively research says to connect it with something your already do. That's my 'trick' to never (well 'almost never' over these past 25 years) miss my med schedule each day. My current daily process is to start the day with breakfast and end it with a last minute visit to turn off the kitchen lights. So my meds are kept in the kitchen cabinet (away from the heat of a stove, of course) and when arriving (or at night, leaving) that area, it is automatic that I am reminded to take those meds per my twice a day schedule. It works for me! (Plus I also remind my wife to take hers each time too with that habit)

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